Part 4: Stabbed

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Their job was only to patrol. To try to see if there were any suspicious persons, or if the enemy lines were getting close. They had been doing the same routine for about a week, and to be honest, Seonghwa didn't even know who the enemy was.

All he knew, was that he was stationed by a river in the forest. They weren't even wearing armor of any kind because they were just keeping watch and not on the front lines. Thank god for that.

Seonghwa sat on a rock at the edge of a small creek running through his area of the forest, admiring the way the water flowed around the pebbles at the bottom.

He was constantly listening though, for any sound that could indicate trouble. Even though he couldn't die, Seonghwa still had to keep and eye out to make sure that no one else did. Like Wooyoung, and his other new companions. Especially Hongjoong.

His mind drifted to the conversation they had had a few nights ago. Seonghwa hadn't really talked with Hongjoong since then, he had been too preoccupied with the others. Mingi as it turned out had a soft side, and he was especially soft when it came to Yunho.

Whatever tension they had before seemed to be gone now. At least for the time being.

Seonghwa found out that Chan's friends were all in the same room with Hongjoong when Seonghwa asked him about the cherry haired boy. Their names were Woojin, Felix, (an odd name for a Korean, seonghwa had thought until Chan explained he was a foreigner brought up in their country) and Hyunjin.

Seonghwa must have seemed worried, for Chan assured him that they were all very nice.

Seonghwa wondered how the boy was doing, and even if he had been thinking about him too. He found he was very frustrated by his lack of seeing the boy, and even missed his sweet smile.

He picked up a rock and threw it back into the water.

Was meeting new people always this stressful? No. Seonghwa new Joong was special, he just didn't want to admit it to himself.

"Stupid feelings." Seonghwa muttered to himself. He felt like a teenager all over again.
That was when a glint of red caught his eyes. He saw it, briefly, but it flashed through the trees and Seonghwa knew that color. But he couldn't be sure. So, he waited. All of his senses on alert. The forest was eerily quiet, and he knew something was off. He thought he heard a muffled yell come from upstream, but he couldn't be sure. So he stayed in his place.

Until he saw the red.

Not hair, but another shade of red.

This one was trickling down the river, diluted, but there none the less.


It hit his nose first, the stench of death and iron, and then he was running. For some unknown reason he was running upstream towards where he knew a body would lay.
As he drew closer, he felt dread pool in his gut. He had seen the red. He knew that color anywhere. He was scared for what he would find.

And soon enough, he saw them. Two bodies lay in the stream, one that Seonghwa didn't recognize. The other, he knew very well.


"No, no, no, no!" He kept repeating over and over again. He had promised to keep him alive, and he may have already broken that promise.
He quickly checked the pulses of each of them. The first man was dead, his throat had been slit. Hongjoong had been stabbed in the stomach.

Seonghwa let out a breath of relief. He was still alive, but barely. Lack of blood had rendered him unconscious.

Commotion further into the forest told Seonghwa that the culprit had been discovered and so he didn't need to worry.

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