Part 5: Friends

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Hongjoong slowly opened his eyes, and found he was looking at an unfamiliar wooden ceiling. This wasn't the barracks.

He sat up, and immediately pain shot through his abdomen, making him wince.

"Oh, you're awake." Hongjoong turned his head to see a young man sitting on a stool by the table that Hongjoong noticed he was laying on.

"What happened? Where am I? Who are you?" Hongjoong asked all of his questions at once. The other man nodded thoughtfully.

"My name is Kang Yeosang. This is the medical building. Do you remember anything?" He asked.

"Ummm..." Hongjoong thought for a moment. He was in the forest, doing the daily patrol. He had run into another soldier, and then.... and then.... oh.

Hongjoong looked down to where his lower torso was covered in bandages.

"I was stabbed." Hongjoong told him.
"How did I get here though?" He asked the man, Yeosang. Yeosang shrugged.

"A funny twist of fate I suppose." He merely replied. Hongjoong vaguely remembered the splashing of shoes in the stream that he lay in, and the warm feeling of being held in someone's arms as they carried him. There was a fuzzy image, the trees blurring by quickly, and a face. Handsome and framed by dark hair. But Hongjoong couldn't quite place it.

"Um, by any chance do you know who brought me here?" Hongjoong asked Yeosang, who just smirked.

"Can't say I do. Sorry friend." He said. Hongjoong tried to kick his legs over the side of the table so he could get down, but the pain was still there and it hindered his movements.

"Might want to lay still for a while." A new voice sounded from the doorway to the room. It was another soldier, and he was thin. But had a large build as well as a soft voice that didn't fit his appearance at all.

"Ah, Jongho. What are you doing here?" Yeosang questioned the man.

"Can I not visit my friend? I need to talk to you for a moment." Jongho said. The way he said 'friend' seemed a bit sarcastic to Hongjoong.

"Oh um..." Yeosang looked at Hongjoong who told him he'd be fine. Couldn't do much anyway.

"Okay." Yeosang and Jongho left the room, closing the door behind them. From the brief opening of the door, Hongjoong saw other soldiers were there. Their patrol must have ended.

Hongjoong heard voices nearing through the door on the other side of the room which probably lead to the barracks hallway.

"Hongjoong! What happened!?" The door slammed open and in stepped all three of his bunkmates.

"You gave us a scare there little guy." Woojin said.

"We were scared you'd died when you didn't show up for lunch." Felix added. Hyunjin patted him on the head comfortingly.

"I'm alright, but how did you guys know I was in here? Even I don't know where I am." Hongjoong only half joked. The pain in his gut was awful, and he did know he was in the medical wing but then again, he had no idea where that even was.

"That one really handsome guy told us." Woojin told him.

"The one who has the same name as that war hero from years ago. Park Seonghwa right?" Hyunjin looked for confirmation on the information and the other two nodded.

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