Oh my god, Liam! LIAM!

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Nothing to say, just have fun, oh and not betaed, and if there is a mistake . . . sorry. You know the procedure =D


Okay, one more thing:

WTF? Why am I to stupid to tag something? Why is there always an x when I don't typed an x! WAHHH! Okay, I'm officially to stupid to tag something xDD




Niall's POV

"LIAM! OH MY GOD, LIAM! COME PLEASE! COME!" I cried my lungs out.

I screamed as loud as I could, and hoped Liam would be there soon.

A few seconds later, I heard that someone came into my room.

"OH MY GOD NIALL! WHAT HAPPENED?" Liam screamed. I heard the panic in his voice.

"I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING, LIAM! I CANNOT SEE ANYTHING!" I screamed, and noticed, that I began to cry.

"I can't see, Liam! I can't see!" I cried again, and again.

Everything is black. And when I rub my eyes, nothing happens.

Liam's POV

He has to be kidding me, right?


"Niall, please. That is not funny." I managed to say. I tried to be calm, but it didn't work.

My voice was trembling.


Oh my god.

Please, tell me that is a joke.

Suddenly I heard the door cracking, and Zayn, Harry and Louis came into the room.

"What the hell is going on!" Said Zayn, sleepy.

"What happened?" Harry and Louis said unisono.

"I'M BLIND! I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING!" Niall said again, and cried.

Harry and Louis rushed to Niall, and hugged him tightly. They whispered some soothing words, and his crying went over in sobbing.

Now Zayn, seems to be awake by now too.

The next thing I thought was:

Bring him to a hospital!

"Come Niall, we go to the hospital! Now!" I ordered. Somehow I managed to keep my voice strong after the big shock.

"We come with you." Said Harry.

I just nodded.

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