The lull before the storm

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I feel so sorry guys! I really didn't update like in forever! I'm such a bad updater. But you will so love the next chapter. This is going to be interesting, ow and yeah have fun reading this. 

I really had problems to write it, writers block, exams (Fuck yeah I got an A in my oral english exam!) 

And sorry for any mistakes, I hope you like it at least a little bit and okay read now xD




Niall's POV


Finally I can go home! Awesome!

"Hey Louis! Liam! I can pack my stuff alone, I'm not blind or something."

"Haha, not funny Niall." Said Liam and packed my stuff.

"Hey be careful! There is important stuff!"

"What important stuff? There are just your clothes."

"This is important stuff, Li."

"Finally you can go home Niall! We already missed you. Did you know that Liam was pretty annoying since you were in the hospital?" Harry asked.

"Awww Li, you missed me so much?"

"Maybe?" Li answered.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"In front of you."

I stepped closer and hugged Liam tight.

"I love you." I whispered.

"What?" Liam asked a confused look on his face.

"Nothing. It was nothing." I smiled sadly and let him go.

"Okay guys can we go? We have the letter and everythings packed."

"Okay Zayn, lets go."

*     *     *

Harry's POV

"Welcome at the crisis meeting I-"

"Uhm why crisis meeting, Louis?" Zayn asked.

"Are you kidding me? Seriously Zayn! STOP THE INTERRUPTING!"

"I don't interrupt you."

"Yes you do!"

"No I don't!

"Yes you fucking do!"

"No I fucking don't!"

"Okay guys! Ca we please stop that? Are you babies or what?" I asked. This was annoying me.

"Maybe." Both said together.

"Seriously guys?" I asked, "Okay Louis. Go on."

"Right, right. So when do we want to invite Danielle?" 

"As soon as possible right?" Zayn asked.

"I bet Niall will be so sad when she comes over and they're all like lovey dovey." Zayn added.

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