Say that you'll love me

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Request: Can you do an 86 x underling one please?

So sorry this took a while to write, but I'm both excited and sad that this will be my last story for this book, so I hope you all enjoy it. I also completely forgot what his role in the mafia was, so this may not be accurate.

This story will also include some gore, and graphic depictions so please do not read if this makes you uncomfortable.

(Y/N) dragged the lifeless and bloody corpse inside headquarters. They come to realize that people can be so heavy, especially when they're dead. As they were bringing the body to 86, they thought of what his purpose was for bringing this body in. 

Yes, they were asked to assassinate corrupt politicians, criminal leaders, and the occasional influencer, but never were they asked to actually bring the body in. This was especially difficult as 86 requested the body for 2 pm, which means that it's daytime outside. 

And carrying a bloody body during the day can turn some eyes.

(Y/N) has been working with 86 for a few years now, and even though 86 doesn't speak, he can bring a lively, and comforting presence with him. Yes, there were times that arguments were made, and words were exchanged, but this was easily solved by the satisfaction of killing random catcallers, and racists on the street.

They always thought of 86 as a friend, but now working with him for so long, (Y/N) just can't see their life without him. Even though they would love to ask 86 out just for a cup of coffee, so many obstacles get in the way of this, especially one that has been bugging them for a while.

How does 86 eat or drink?

I mean yeah you can go somewhere else on a date like to the movies, the park, or the zoo, but eventually, someone has gotta eat or drink. So that was problem number 1.

Problem number 2 is what the other members of the mafia would think. Ever since JJ slept with the fishes, Frenchie has grown the mafia to be much more respectable and peaceful with the other members. However, Gil and Jayden were unfortunately still the same jerks they have always been, and (Y/N) knows for a fact that inappropriate jokes and comments will be made about their relationship.

And problem number 3.. does he even like (Y/N)? 

I mean they have always noticed how his smile brightens up more when they are around, and how he always manages to pick up their favorite drink from Starbucks. But all this could be a friendly gesture, and frankly (Y/N) doesn't want to risk a friendship going bad, just for some silly little feelings.

As (Y/N) finally drags the body into the office, they notice 86 appears to be a little more off than usual. They see 86 pacing back and off while nervously flexing his finger, while also seeming to be thinking about something. (Y/N) slams the body onto the table.

"I brought this one here for ya boss, and I better get a reason why this had to happen during the afternoon. I mean seriously, do you even understand how hard it is to not get caught while murdering and dragging this body in here."

86 furrows his brows, and grabs the nearest whiteboard to write what he needs to say.

"I'm sorry (Y/N), but this had to happen now since I need to tell you something."

Now it's their turn to be concerned. What could 86 possibly need to tell them? Their thoughts immediately turn to get fired. Everyone in the mafia knows that once you leave the mafia, no one ever hears from you again. It's not like (Y/N) is concerned about dying, frankly, they are put in dangerous situations every day. But they thought that they were really connecting with 86, and this really felt like they were being betrayed.

(Y/N) sighed, "Look if it's anything I said then I'm sorry about that. And if you are going to fire me, at least give me a quick death and an honest reason."

86 quickly grabbed the markers and wrote on the board, "No, gosh, you do an amazing job at what you do, so there is no reason for that."

(Y/N) cocked their head in confusion and grabbed the nearest seat to sit down in, "Ok so what's going on then? Is everything all right?"

86 took a deep breath in, grabbed a seat, and moved it closer to (Y/N). They noticed that as 86 sat down, their legs touched, and this took a lot of effort for (Y/N) to not blush. 86 took a few minutes to write what he needed to say, taking breaks to look up to the ceiling appearing to be thinking of the right wording. When he finally turned the board around, he immediately blushed bright red, and turned his head sideways, feeling embarrassed.

"We have been working together for quite some time now, and I just want to say that I like you. Like I really like you. Like maybe even love you. I mean...ok, you are just so beautiful, and I feel that you truly understand who I really am. I've been meaning to ask you on a date, but I know you are going to say no, but I just couldn't hold my feelings back anymore."

(Y/N) audibly gasped, and turned just as red as 86 did. However, they quickly placed his whiteboard down, holding both of 86's hands with their own. (Y/N) looked into their eyes saying, "I've loved you for so long now too, and I also thought you didn't like me. It would make my day just to go out with you because it's something I've wanted to do for a while now."

86 smiled, and gave (Y/N) the warmest hug they felt in a while. He then pulled back, just to stare deeply into their eyes. He then reached into the pocket of the body and pulled out what appeared to be a tweezer. (Y/N)'s eyes widened when they saw him grab the material on his lips and pulled it out. He then places the material and tweezers on the table nearest him saying, "I guess if we're going to be going on a date, I guess a kiss is in order."

86 then pulled (Y/N)'s chin close to his, and connected lips with them. Even though the kiss didn't last long, they both felt a pang of electric jolt up their bodies, and as he pulled away, (Y/N) whined wanting more of him.

"No no my love, I gotta keep you wanting more."

(Y/N) chuckled then stated, "Well now I know you can take them out. Where did you want to go on a date?"

86 grinned stating, "Well I don't know if you checked the pockets of the body you brought in, but not only did he carry some tweezers, but he also carried some keys. Keys to oh I don't know... Zeta's mafia."

(Y/N) leaped off the seat, "OMG, so we're going to kill some of Zeta's men together!"

"Oh yeah, and I left some scalpels, knives, and guns in the car so we can have a lot of fun. And then maybe we can get pizza."

(Y/N) pecked him on the lips, "I love you so much 86."

"I love you too (Y/N)."

Later that day:

As (Y/N) and 86 walked back to headquarters, blood covering their bodies and holding each other's hands, they failed to notice some snickering coming from some brothers.

"Oh boy here comes the new Joker and Harley Quinn everyone."

"So tell me lovebirds, which one of you is going to kill the other one first."

Since 86 couldn't speak with the material in his mouth, (Y/N) was right about to tell them how it is, when 86 put a hand in front of them and moved closer to the brothers. As they were laughing hysterically, 86 grabbed Gil's collar and punched him right in the face, causing him to topple to the ground. Curses were heard, as he held his bleeding and broken nose in his hands. Jayden crouched down to address his brother's injuries. (Y/N) looked shockingly at 86 as he laughed, grabbed (Y/N) by the waist, and spun them around.

Not forgetting to flip them both the middle finger of course.

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