Time skip

It already late at night,Yoohyeon has accompanied Jiu all the way to the castle.

The whole day she went out with Jiu is a memorable moments for her.Not just any memorable moments with her,she never went out with the girl she like.She only went out together with her and her sisters but not being alone with her.She glad she finally found an opportunity to go out with her.

Yoohyeon handed all of the shopping bags that they bought to Jiu.

"Thank you and here."Jiu suddenly gave a packet of living fishes that she has caught to her.

"Why are you giving me?"

"This is your gift from me as a thank you for accompanying me."

"Oh alright."Yoohyeon then took the packet from Jiu.Jiu smiled faintly.She bid goodbye to Yoohyeon as she went back to the castle.

When Jiu just entered the castle,the first thing she saw was Nako with the broom she holding was grinning suddenly at her.

"Nako,why are you grinning?"

"Nothing your majesty,I was just thinking how was your day with Yoohyeon?"

"My day with Yoohyeon...."Jiu started to remember when she and Yoohyeon were watching firework together, holding hands and also they kissed for the first time.A very passionate kiss.

Just by thinking about that is making her face to be flustered.Nako started worrying about the queen whose face became red all of a sudden.

"Are you okay your majesty??"

Jiu placed her palm on her mouth to cover her already-flustered face. "I'm okay,I just need to go back to my room."She said,still covering her face.Jiu quickly walk away from the smaller girl.

She went to her room,slamming the door shut,not too loud that people could hear her.

She walked to her bed quick and crashed onto it,having her face buried on her pillow.

Jiu couldn't stop thinking about Yoohyeon.The way Yoohyeon spoke,smiled at her and the way she hold Jiu's hand,it make her feel weak.Not really weak,but her heart couldn't stop beating fast.She could not move whenever she made a contact with Yoohyeon, like when she holding hand with Yoohyeon. And she actually KISSED her without holding back

Jiu couldn't stop asking herself about this.

Did she really has fallen in love with a human?

Yoohyeon finally arrived at her house.She took off her pair of shoes before entering it.She was tired after going out with Jiu the whole day.

Upon entering her house,Siyeon was seen to be in the living room,cleaning her hiking boots with water and cloth.

Yoohyeon smile at the older.Siyeon's hobby is actually hiking and she often saw Siyeon going out to have a hike in the mountain.

Yoohyeon was about to leave Siyeon but the latter has stopped her from leaving.

"Where were you,Yoohyeon?"Asked Siyeon,eyes were still busy on her boots,wiping it so that it became shinier than before.

"Well,I was just...shopping...yeah,I was shopping."

"If you were really shopping,why are you came back with an empty handed and why you have a packet of fish in your hand?"

Yoohyeon cursed herself.Siyeon got her point and she doesn't have any shopping bags with her.She only have the packet of fish from the festival.

Think,that what she thought.She need to think of an excuse what she would like to say to Siyeon.She shouldn't let her know about Jiu.Now Siyeon was eyeing her suspiciously.

Another idea finally popped out in her head.

"I was just accompanying my old friend to shop."She lied as she quickly leave Siyeon,not wanting to wait for her response.

"Hm...okay..."That's the only thing Siyeon could reply to her.Siyeon glanced back at her boots,rubbing it softly.


The next following day,Siyeon was planning to hike at the mountain.She wore her hiking shirt and pant and also the boot.

Sua handed the lunch box to Siyeon and Siyeon took it,thanking her. "Thank you Sua."

"Don't fall while you are hiking at the mountain."

"I will."Siyeon reassured her.She started leaving the house.At the same time,Yoohyeon has came out from her bedroom with a messy hair.She noticed Siyeon already leaving the house.

"Siyeon unnie...."

At the mountain

There was a giant monster walking,approaching to the 2 injured knights.They ran and ran until they stumbled to the ground.

The monster was stepping forward with its leg one by one which can cause the ground to shake.

"Human.....human...."The monster spoke.Its teeth was gritting.

"I kill you humans!"

The monster grabbed around one of the knights' waist with its long arms.Its started pulling him toward its and throwing the knight at its mouth,crunching the knight,devouring him.

After finish devouring him,the monster glared at another knight.Its mouth started drooling over that knight.

The frightening knight was crawling backward.His eyes was twitching as the monster started coming toward him.

"D-don't eat me,p-please."

The monster began to roar at him.Its was almost grabbing the knight to eat him up but its stopped when someone was calling its.

"That's enough,Frick."A female voice spoke.She was dressed in black,wearing a full black dress with a crown on her head.

The monster glanced at the mysterious girl and sat down,as if it was a puppy.

"Good boy,Frick."The woman said as she touch the monster's cheek and caressed it.

While the girl at it,the knight decided to escape from them.It was his chance to escape from them.

The mysterious girl watched the knight ran,then her eyes who was black has turned into red,eyes was locking at the knight.

The knight suddenly stopped running.Not because he want to stop but his whole body couldn't move suddenly.He got paralyzed like a statue.

The clicking sound of the girl's heel could be heard,approaching him slowly.

"What do we have here?A human Knight,huh?"

The girl started to sniff at the knight,smelling him.She licked her lip,eyeing at the knight as if he was a food to her.

"I guess you are going to my delicious meal for tonight."She said.

Her teeth started to grow like a sharp-pointy fang and then she started devouring him,causing the knight to scream loudly until all of the birds in the forest has flew away into the sky.

Meanwhile, at the castle,Jiu could sense such a tremendous magic coming from afar.It was not a demon magic she sensed.It was different than that.

"Did you feel that,Kim Minji?"The dark mirror asked her.

"Yeah,I feel that.It seem they are back.

Those monsters" 

A/N:Sorry if there is not much kissing scene here.I am in a rush to finish this book fast. For the next chapter,I will reveal who was that mysterious girl. 

Hint:She is from IZ*ONE

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