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Derek, Scott, and Stiles gathered in the small train car that housed the alpha and his beta's. An unconscious Rhea was sprawled across one of the seats in the train car, her head resting in Stiles' lap. Stiles had taken his jacket off, the clothing draped over the girl whose jacket was abandoned at the entrance of the train. The boy ran his fingers through her brown locks, attempting to soothe her while Derek checked her raw arms and wrists, applying the serum that the veterinarian gave him for her wolfsbane burns. Stiles and Scott shared a weary look while her wrists started to smoke in reaction to the serum. "Is she going to be okay?" Scott wondered, his gaze flicking between the two Hale siblings. Derek shrugged, wrapping her arms with a clean white cloth. The brunette's silver eyes snapped open, making Stiles jump as a startling gasp ripped through her throat. The girl, roughly, pulled from their grasp, her blurred vision clearing as the girl hit the floor. Her hands fell to her chest, feeling her lungs deflate as the brunette recognized her brother and her friends. Stiles was the first one to approach the girl, the boy seemingly faster in this situation. "Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. You're home," He crouched down next to her, his hands outstretched to hold her, but they only hovered over her cold skin. Her heart rate slowed, the girl letting out a few shaky breaths when he spoke. Her glossy gaze fluttered over his face, a thankful half-smile upon her lips. Her eyes switched to the wolves behind her friend, sending them a brief nod to assure that she was fine, but her lie wasn't very convincing.

Stiles took the brunette's hands in his own, lifting her onto her feet. A loud buzzing noise sounded from her back pocket, startling the pair. Her brows scrunched together at the caller id, not expecting the huntress to call her. Rhea brought her hand to her head, her fingers combing through her hair as she sighed before accepting the call. "Allison?" She asked, confusion clear in her tone. The brunette tilted her head at the heavy breathing from the other end of the line. "Rhea-" Allison started to say but was cut off by the Hale girl. "Hey, um, I'm a little busy at the moment. Can I call you later?" Rhea mumbled, kicking at the musty ground. She was sore, tired, and in need of a long nap. She wasn't in the mood for talking to the huntress. Her thumb hovered over the red button, ready to end the call until Allison finally spoke up. "Rhea, It's about Matt," Allison rushed out. Rhea was rendered speechless, her thoughts swarming as to what Allison had to say about Matt. Stiles noticed the way her features scrunched together, her brows furrowing and lips dipping into a frown. Her lips pursed together to stop her lip from trembling and she didn't respond until Allison called out to her. 

The brunette eyed her brother and Scott who without a doubt were listening in on the call. Her back faced them, her thoughts running wild. Rhea let out a stressful sigh, biting her nails with a frown. "What about him?" She asked, quietly, her nerves high as their most recent interaction played through her mind. The brunette rubbed at her sore arms where Matt held her, tightly. "After you disappeared, he needed a ride, and he forgot-," Allison began to ramble on about her experience, but the brunette panicked, causing her to unintentionally snap. "Alli, get to the point," she spat, surprising the three men behind her at her hostility. The brunette bit down on her lip while she cussed herself out from under her breath. Rhea regretted snapping at her friend, but the girl hesitated, Allison, speaking before she had the chance to apologize. "His camera. The whole hard drive is full of photos of you."

The room was quiet and all three boys could hear the breath hitch in her throat. Derek stood from his crouched position, his head tilted to the side as his gaze burned through the back of her head. The brutal wall he had built up the past few months as an alpha slightly crumbled at the Argent girl's words. His heart hurt at the reaction from his little sister. His eyes narrowed at the new information, the alpha growing angry at the thought of someone stalking his sister. He was not about to have another Jeremy situation on his hand. Stiles glanced between the girl next to him and the two wolves that had worried expressions displayed on their faces. "What?" The girl's voice squeaked, unexpectedly. The boy that she thought was being overly nice to her had been watching her every move. Her hand fell to her aching chest, her nails scratching the skin at the numb feeling.

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