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The Argent household was dead silent except for two hunters' grunts and the struggling teens that they kidnapped. Stiles watched Rhea the whole time as they were shoved through the halls. He assumed neither Allison nor her father were home because he liked to think they would stop this. Rhea planted her feet on the ground, using all her strength to push back against the hunter, stopping him from moving. It was a good effort until a hand wrapped around her hair, yanking the locks and forcing her forward. Her body thrashed around and she was soon picked up from behind. "Hey! Let her go," Stiles growled but was elbowed in the face, the action shutting him up. Her eyes met Stiles', a flash of panic crossing through his hazel ones as they were led to an old wooden door. The hunter that held Stiles drove the boy forward, making him stumble on the stairs. Rhea gasped, seeing him skip a few steps. She reached out, clutching his jersey sleeve. At the feeling of her cold hands, Stiles reached back and grasped her elbow. The brunette slipped out of the hunter's grip, Stiles wrapping his arms around her as they tumbled down the stairs. Stiles' back smacked the concrete floor, hard. He huffed as Rhea tumbled after him, her body colliding with his. They groaned at the rough contact. Stiles switched their positions, so she could lay down. 

"Are you okay?" he asked in concern, searching her face in the darkness. It was difficult to see her features, but he was able to pick out her wrinkled forehead and glowing eyes. He hovered over her as she shifted under him, his hand resting against the small of her back. "Peachy," she muttered. His fingers wrapped around her elbow, helping her up from the ground. The two froze when they heard a quiet whimper. Stiles pulled Rhea behind him, his arm stretched out to protect her. Rhea held his hand from behind, squeezing it as they stumbled back. The boy moved along the long wall, using his free hand to feel for a light switch since he couldn't see. As soon as the light flicked on, Rhea stepped out from behind the boy, her eyes welling up at the sight in front of her. Boyd and Erica were hanging from the ceiling, slow electric currents being pushed through their bodies. The two wolves spotted Rhea, their chests heaving in a panic. The brunette ran to them, pulling Stiles with her. "Oh my god, what did they do to you?" Rhea whispered, examining the type of restraints they had. Erica whimpered as Stiles reached up to untie her. He shushed her, lightly, before ripping at the cords. "Stiles wait-" Rhea protested but Stiles was shocked by the electric currents before she could stop him. He jumped back, cursing at the stinging pain. Rhea grabbed his hand, examining the slight red burn on his fingertips.

The basement door squeaked open, alerting the two wolves and humans. "They were trying to warn you." a deep voice called. Rhea stood protectively in front of her brother's betas, her hard eyes glued to Gerard's figure and the hunters that followed him. "It's electrified." The older hunter clarified. Stiles blocked Gerard from staring at Rhea. "What are you doing with them?" Stiles questioned, striding forward. The brunette reached out to him, catching his wrist. She shook her head as he glanced back at her. "At the moment, just keeping them comfortable." Rhea looked to Boyd, frowning at his distress. "There's no point in torturing them, they won't give Derek up. The instinct to protect their Alpha is too strong," Gerard's gaze landed on Rhea as he spoke. Rhea refused to give Derek up but that didn't stop the hunter from trying to kill her. 

"So what are you doing with us?" Stiles asked, his jaw locked. Rhea stepped beside him, her hand finding his hand once again, their fingers entangled together. "Because Scott can find us, all right? He knows my scent. It's pungent, you know? It's more like a stench. He could find me even if I was buried at the bottom of a sewer covered in fecal matter and urine." Stiles described, bitterly. Rhea shook her head at his descriptive statement. Even in the worst situation, the boy still managed to lighten the mood with his sarcasm. Gerard chuckled to himself, his gaze landing on the teens' tight hold on each other. "You have a knack for creating a vivid picture, Mr. Stilinski. Let me paint one of my own." Gerard stood straight, advancing on Stiles and Rhea. Rhea squirmed at his threatening steps, flinching at the hunter's harsh words. "Scott McCall finds his best friend bloodied and beaten to a pulp," Rhea growled at his answer, the silver of her eyes bright with anger. The hunter's gaze fell to her, a devilish smirk on his lips. "And Derek finds his baby sister buried in the woods with a laced bullet in her brain. How does that sound?" Boyd and Erica cried out, their voices being muffled as they struggled against their restraints. The two wolves kept their gaze on Rhea, scared that something was to happen to her. Stiles shifted Rhea around him, the girl pressing herself into his back. 

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