6: Withered Flower

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Nervously, Orena and Ellyn bowed to Marcus, but his expression displayed a killer intent as he bore his gloomy eyes into the ladies.

"We can expla—"

"Shut up," Marcus said sharply, giving her a glare that froze everyone in the room. His eyes turned to Zeo, sending shivers down his spine. "So, this Liam kid did this to you?" he asked.

Zeo hesitated for a moment, but his imposing presence forced him to reply with the truth. "Yes, sir."

Marcus stared at Orena with disgust. "What the hell were you doing when this happened?"

"Mr. Marcus, the duties of the orphanage had been overwhelming us lately. We have too much work, and our staff is limited." Orena lowered her head. "I'm truly sorry, sir."

Marcus remained silent, but his expression told everything they needed to know. His gaze returned to Zeo. "Are you friends with the young lady Remnya?"

"Young lady Remnya?" Zeo widened his eyes. "Yes, sir, I am! Is she doing well?"

"She's doing good. I bet you'd like to see her again, right?"

"Of course, sir! I miss her a lot!" His heart hastened at the thought of his friend.

"If that's the case." Marcus folded his arms. "I need to know if you're willing to leave this place and work for me back in Crysalton."

"Really?" Zeo's jaw dropped. "I'm willing to do anything you need, sir." Ignoring the pain, he bowed to Marcus. "Plus, it'd be a honor to work for you."

Marcus stifled a chuckle. "Alright. We'll arrange everything so we can make it possible."

"Thank you so much, sir!" A smile spread across Zeo's face, unable to believe there was a chance to see his best friend again.

"Don't mention it." Marcus nodded and then glanced at Orena and Ellyn. "Now, we need to talk."

The women exchanged terrified looks and bobbed their heads, rushing out of the room. Before leaving, Marcus looked back at Zeo and gave him a thumbs up. Zeo smiled and bowed again.

The conversation had made him forget the pain for a moment, but now it was back. Slowly, Zeo leaned his head on the pillow and stared at the ceiling. Only the buzzing of a fluorescent lamp accompanied him in the room, but the thought of his best friend warmed his heart.

Zeo took a deep breath and allowed the silence to clear his mind. He wanted to see Remnya again, but that meant leaving Amy behind. The little girl was her last friend in the orphanage, and he had sworn to protect her, even if that meant weeks of pain.

The consequences of her reckless decision began to invade her head, and the idea of working for Marcus didn't seem as great anymore.



On the second week, the lunch with Magenta went by with little to no words until Maria broke into the hall and whispered something in the lady's ear. Magenta excused herself, saying she had business to attend to, and from the look on her face, it seemed to be something urgent. She left Remnya alone to finish the delicious meal.

Making sure no one saw her, Remnya finished Magenta's portion too. She stretched her arms and smiled in satisfaction; she had never eaten so much in her life.

Brisa stood nearby and looked at her with disdain. Magenta had ordered her to show Remnya the way back to her room. No matter how many times she wandered that fancy labyrinth, she still got lost.

"Hurry!" Brisa shouted, leaving the hall before Remnya could say a word.

The maid hastened through the corridors in silence. Her gold eyes fixated straight ahead as if Remnya wasn't there. Unlike Maria, Brisa never smiled and dressed in darker colors. Her dress had a gothic style and combined an exotic design of black with yellow shades. She wore black heels that made her look even taller and a gold necklace with a rune-shaped symbol.

The Girl With The Crimson EyesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz