Chapter 15

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"Do you trust me?" I asked as I held my hand infront of her. She looked hesitant at first while looking at our dark surroundings before fixing her eyes back to my hand and taking it. I smiled and interlocked our fingers making he face soften a little.

"I know it's a little scary since it's a very dark place but you'll see what its hiding." I let out just above a whisper and lead her towards the woods letting the darkness engulf us. Her grip on my hand tightened but I pulled her closer to me and finally we arrived at the place I prepared for us. I looked back at her and smiled when I saw her beautiful features reflecting to the lights I put on earlier.

"For a moment there I thought you were going to kidnap me." She said making me chuckle.

"C'mon." I said while walking towards the pile of blankets and pillows and sat on it. We were in a small cliff that had the full view of the city lights and the stars. Camila was now smiling happily while starring at the beautiful scenery while I starred at her.

"Take a picture while it lasts." She says turning her head towards me. I blushed lightly as I watched her leaning her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm on her waist while sighing contently.

"I really love this." She whispered while cuddling on to my side.

"Let's take a picture. I want to remember this forever." She happily said pulling away slightly to get her phone. I nodded watching her movements as she held her phone up to take a picture.

"1,2,3 smile!" I smiled as she took the picture, it went on with her taking funny and cute pictures of us and talking about random things until it was time to go. I drived her back to her house and I'm right here walking her to the front door.

"This was a really fun night. Thank you." I smiled lightly and watched her open the door. I thought she was going in but she went on to kiss my lips before smiling at me and going inside. I chuckled at her cuteness and went straight to my car.


"Y/n wake up!" I groaned and tried to look around. My bed was bouncing like crazy, I turned my head to the small figure that was jumping on my bed that's when I realized it was my little sister.

"Elli!" I shouted happily I haven't seen her for months my mom and dad got seperated and my dad decided to take Elli with him. I don't even know where my mom is anymore. He said she had an affair with another man but that was a long time ago.

"I missed you." I hugged her and I heard her giggle.

"I missed you too Y/n." I smiled and let go of her. We went downstairs and I saw my dad with his phone and I rolled my eyes at him.

"He's always on his phone I can't even play outside with my friends because he always says that it's dangerous." Elli said while standing beside me. I sighed and lead her to the kitchen.

"Don't worry we'll go to my friends house and we'll play there." I watched as her face lit up and she started jumping.

"Wait do you mean, I'd get to go to china's and lauser's and mama ally's and mani bear's and...and banana's house?!" She rambled cutely while I laughed at her.

"Yes, now go get the stuffs you need." I informed her as she nodded her head and ran cutely towards the living room. I smiled while I went to get a water bottle on the fridge.

"Where are you two going?" I heard a familiar voice coming from behind me. I turned to look at him and I shrugged my shoulders and put mg water on the counter.

"We're going to the girl's house." I replied plainly and continued to drink my water. He just nodded and went to sit on the stool beside the counter.

"I was thinking maybe you could take care of your sister for a week. I got a business trip this week." He said while I rolled my eyes mentally and nodded. He smiled lightly before standing up.

"I guess I'll go now." He said before walking out of the kitchen and outside not even caring to say goodbye to his daughter. I sighed and went to the living room only to see Elli with her backpack ready.

"Just wait for me here. I'll just go upstairs and change okay." I said and kissed her forehead. She nodded and went to sit on the couch where my dog was.

I went upstairs and took a shower then changed into a hoodie with pair of black pants and my white converse.
I walked back downstairs to get Elli and I drove us to the girl's house but of course not forgetting to buy some snacks for them.

"Yay!" I heard my sister jump off the backseat and ran through the door. I smiled while holding the plastic bag that had our things in it. Elli was trying to ring the bell but she couldn't reach it.

"Need a lift?" I asked and she smiled shyly before opening her arms for me to carry her. I laughed and lifted her of the ground to reach the door bell. Soon enough it was opened by a sleepy Dinah.

"China!" Elli shouted and jumped towards her.

"Elli!" Dinah shouted making me laugh at the two of them. She carried her inside leaving me in the door way.

"Good morning to you too." I said sarcastically and went to close the door. I stepped inside and saw them playing with each other and I laughed at the two of them before turning my attention towards lauren who was now standing on the last step.

"Good morning Lo and Mani." I greeted before placing the bag of food on the table.

"What's the noise all about?" Lauren asked  looking at me.

"Ralph! Mani bear!" Elli shouted making Lauren and Mani turned their head towards Elli and  they ran quickly on Elli's direction.

"Children don't run inside the house." Ally said while holding a pan. She smiled brightly at Elli and waved at her.

"Y/n can you wake Camila up? She's still asleep." Ally said and I nodded my  head then went on my way to her room.

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