Chapter 4

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"Shit!" I heard a slightly muffled voice as i opened my eyes only to be met with wide ones. I quickly pulled away and stood up ,i didnt even noticed that our lips were parted already.

"Uh I-im so sorry, i didnt mean to." She says as she quickly runs back towards the party. I was left there alone and in deep thought on what just happened. Everything was happening so fast that i cant process it in my mind. But the only question thats been in my mind was... Did Camila regret the kiss?

I sat on the sand not minding my wet clothes as i was looking thru the waves. I dont know how much time went, when some one sat next to me.

"So what happened?" I recognized the voice and look down as i was feeling a bit of sadness invading my heart.

"We were walking along the beach, and stuff, everything is blurry in my mind right now because im blinded by the feeling of her lips attached to mine. I dont know how to describe it, but sadly it ended way too quickly because... i dont know, maybe she regrets the kiss." I sighed.

"Wait! You guys kissed?" Asked Christal.

"Yup." I answered.

"But Why do you think she regrets the kiss?" She asked while shrugged and continued to speak.

"I dont know she just ran away quickly not even caring to look back." I said while looking down. I suddenly felt a slight slap on the back of my head.

"Dummy if she regrets the kiss... Then how did you two kiss?" She asked while raising her eyebrow at me.

"Well i was hesitant when i leaned but she unexpectedly dragged me down." I sighed.

"Isn't that a sign? She was the one that kissed you and thats so clear that she has feelings for you but she just needs a little push." She continued while i thought deeply... She has a point though. We started talking about little things until dinah went to us and clearly she was drunk AF. She told us to go back with the girls and have fun, but i wasn't in the mood to do so.

"Do you wanna go home or?" I asked Christal.

"Nah imma stay... This girls are so cool and fun." She answerd while I nodded and told her to be careful. As i was driving to the road  i noticed a figure of a man pushing a young lady roughly. As i got closer to them i noticed that it was Camila and her so called boyfriend. He was ready to slap Camila and for some reason that sight made me jump of the drivers seat and quickly but surely grabbed his hand before it could hit Camila.

"What do you think youre doing?" I asked calmly and put my free hand inside my pocket. I usually do this whenever im angry.

"Its non of your business... And would you mind going back to where you are going and leave us the fuck alone?" He  said as i looked at him ready to punch the shit out of him.

"You do know that if you slap her... That just proves your gay." I said calmly as i see thru his eyes that he was beyond pissed right now. I just smilde and dodged his punch effortlessly pushed him to the ground.
I grabbed Camilas hand and bag then swiftly got inside the drivers seat with her crying.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" I asked while stopping beside the road far enough from the beach.

I looked at her intently as she was still shaking from the current situation. I sighed and took my seatbelt off then hugged her. She was taken aback for a second but hugged back nonetheless.

"T-thank you... F-for saving me." She said through a muffled voice while i smiled and gently kissed her cheek.

"No problem... But if i see him near you again i promise I'll kill him." I said thru clenched teeth. While i heard her silently giggled in my chest.

"Lets get you back home." I said while releasing her. Then started the engine and sped off to their house.

As we arrived to their house everything was silent but it wasnt an uncomfortable silence nor an awkward one. I was about to get out of the car when i noticed that Camila was asleep. I smiled for abit and tucked a strand of hair into her ear and smiled at how adorable she is.
I slowly got out of the car and carried Camila bridalstyle and grabbed her bag. It wasnt easy for me to get in the house by myself considering that i have a sleeping prinscess in my arms and also a heavy bag on mr shoulders but other than that i got in. I went into her room and carefully laid her down. I placed the blankets over her and watched as she cuddled the pillow right beside her and facing me.

I smiled and kissed her forehead gently.

"Good night sleepyhead." I giggled at her scrunching her nose and swiftly got out the room. Then headed to my house. Today was a complicated day.

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