"Clarke no"! A voice behind them rings out.

Both girls turn to find Jasper, and the girl he was speaking with earlier turning the corner.

"If you pull that lever, these people will die". He says breathlessly.

As if the metal against her hand suddenly heats up, Valour pushes herself away from it, remembering her talk earlier with Gus. They've never been exposed to the radiation outside. They'd die of radiation exposure within minutes.

"He's right". Valour nods, closing her eyes momentarily as she subconsciously lectures herself. They could've really  just killed all these people.

The click of a gun causes her eyes to snap open, to find the brown haired girl holding a large gun in her hand, aimed at Clarke.

"Don't make me shoot you". She moves past Jasper, closer to Clarke.

"Clarke". Valour ignores the girl, as Jasper moves in-front of her. "We'll find another way. But it isn't worth killing all these people for. You know that".

"Please don't do this". Jasper joins Valour.

"I don't believe them". Clarke shakes her head, tears collecting in her eyes.

"Why would they lie"? Jasper questions, eyes moving from Clarke to Valour. "Listen to me. We are safe here. Because of you. We're safe".

He believes they are. All of them do. That this place is some haven, away from the monsters outside. But she can't help but question their intentions.

But they had been told there was no other survivors, just the few dozen of them that now occupied the mountain. But she remembers what she saw as they ran through the Forrest, the men who seemed closer to beasts then men who chased after them. The spark of light as it zoomed over them. There has to be more.

"Not all of us". Clarke replies.

Raven. Bellamy. Finn. Just the thought of their friends makes her eyes hot with tears.

"I'm the one that fired the rockets". His eyes too are now pooling with tears. "Should I not  have done that? Clarke... when you pulled that lever, you saved lives. Don't throw that away by pulling this one".

She closes her eyes, letting go of the lever, tears now gathered on her cheeks, just as footsteps echo around them.

"There they are! Hold it right there"!

Men round the corner, guns aimed at both Clarke, and Valour. Without a warning the men rush at them, and she loses sight of Clarke as she's forced to the ground, her hands roughly pulled to her back. With her cheek to the floor, she gets a glimpse of Clarke's faces between the boots and legs of the guards, in the same predicament shes in.

They're lead down numerous halls, Clarke a safe distance away from Valour. Both girls are bound with cuffs in front of them, two guards gripping their arms.

Valour had never been in trouble. On the Ark any laws broken meant death. Regardless of the severity of the crime. How different could the mountain people be?

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