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Grace wanted her daughters back. Especially Chloe, Chloe was in the hands with freddie roscoe and grace didn't trust Freddie. She knew what he had dome in the past and she knew that he was the one that was responsible for frazer's death and she was worried for Chloe. She wanted her daughter safe and she knew that sooner or late that she would end up hurting Chloe. Grace stood in the kitchen as kenzie walked in. She looked to her and smiled "you were with warren weren't you?" She asked as kenzie rolled her eyes "so what, If I was you don't get to act mum with me now" "but I am your mother" grace said "o don't care, your a liar and nothing more. I'm going to be moving out soon as I can. Chloe had the right idea" kenzie said as grace frowned "no, she didn't, she's making a huge mistake you will see. You will see he's the is capable of, you will see" grace said knowing what she was planning on doing

Kenzie looked to her and rolled her eyes "leave her alone, she is happy and Freddie loves her. She is happy and he is the only good thing that she has and he is the one that is keeping her sane and stopping her from going off of the rails. Leave her alone will you, you doesn't need this" kenzie said as she walked off. Grace looked after her and rolled her eyes. She didn't care what kenzie said. She was plotting something and it would get Freddie away from Chloe for once and for all. She knew that she would do anything for her daughters even if Chloe would never forgive her if she found out the truth. Grace knew no one could find out over what she was plotting to do.


Chloe lay in bed with Freddie as they lay having sex. She felt herself reach her high. He followed her and pulled out of her and smiled as he looked to her and smiled as he hovered above her "you know that I love you don't you which is why I think we should look at moving away. A fresh start, just you and me what do you think" Freddie said as she looked to him and smiled "are you serious?" "Yeah, look I talked to Mercedes and I am going to sell my share of the club and it can be our new start. What do you say" he asked as she looked to him and nodded "okay, let's do this" she said as she flipped over so that she was on top of him "just you and me" Freddie said as she leant in and kissed him


Chloe groaned to herself as she woke up to the sound of knocking "I'll get it" Freddie said. Chloe groaned as she sat up and followed him to the door. She frowned as she saw two police officers "what's going on?" "Freddie Roscoe, you are under arrest over the murder of Mercedes McQueen anything that you say will be given as evidence" a police officer said as Chloe looked to them and frowned "I didn't do it chlo, I swear" he said as she frowned. Chloe knew that grace was behind this, she knew that she needed to prove it before she lost Freddie for good.

Secrets that hurt (Hollyoaks)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora