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Chloe sat in the hospital as she sat next to graces bedside and sighed. Chloe knew how things were a mess and how grace was still in the hospital and she was still in a coma and she didn't know if she was going to wake up.

Chloe knew that a lot had happened and she didn't know what to think but she knew that the last thing that she wanted was for grace to die and she wanted to know who had attacked her and who had done this to her. Chloe looked as kenzie walked in and smiled

"you okay" kenzie asked as Chloe looked to her and sighed

"I guess so. Things are a mess and she still hasnt woke up I mean what If there is a problem, a reason to why she hasn't woken up" Chloe said as kenzie looked to her and smiled

"there might be but we can't know that, we just have to be patient and you know grace. You know what she is like and you know how impossible she is and she isn't going to let this get a hold of her, we just have to wait" kenzie said as Chloe looked to her and smiled knowing that she was right 
Chloe got back to the flat as she saw Freddie, he looked to her and smiled

"are you okay" Freddie asked as Chloe looked to him and smiled

"I'm okay. I am just tired that's all" she said as he looked to her and smiled

"let me take your mind off of it" he said as she looked to him and smirked as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close

she moaned against his touch as he pulled her on top of her and pulled her to him and smirked into the kiss as he rolled over and pushed her onto the sofa and smirked as he rolled over so that he was on top of her and smirked as he pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her,

Chloe moaned in pleasure as she dug her nails into her back and rolled her head back as she felt herself reach her high as he followed her and smirked as he looked to her and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he looked to her

"it's fine. I am here for you and it's all going to be okay I promise" he said as she looked to her and smiled

Chloe groaned as she woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing . She reached across and looked as she saw it was Kenzie and frowned

"it's 2am what is it" Chloe asked

"it's grace. She woke up" Kenzie said as Chloe sat up in bed and frowned.

She was in shock. She knew that she did want grace to wake up but she knew it was a mess and she hoped jay everything would be okay knowing things were never easy with grace

Secrets that hurt (Hollyoaks)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu