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Chloe was trying to find out how to get Freddie out of jail. She wasn't going to lose the man she loved because her mum was jealous.

Chloe had stayed over with Kenzie and Warren. And all that she had heard was them having sex. It annoyed her. But she would have rather been there then with Grace and Trevor.

Chloe looked up as Kenzie came out the bedroom. "I don't appreciate hearing you moaning all night."

Kenzie grinned. "So you didn't hear us about half an hour ago?"

Chloe groaned. "I never thought I'd hear my sister having more sex then me," she told her.

"We're going to try and get Freddie out. Warren will give him an alibi. I don't know how credible it will be. But that's fine," she said.

Chloe nodded and smiled. "Thanks. I truly appreciate this. I know it's not easy having your sister crashing on the sofa while you're making sweet love."

"Nah. I love having you hear. Warren does too. It means he doesn't have to sit and watch Pretty Little Liars with me," she said.

The two sisters were walking through the village when Grace walked over to them. "What the hell are you two playing at?"

"Literally nothing. You're just a paranoid bitch. But just remember, Freddie will be coming out of prison. And when he does, him and I are getting away from this tinpot village. Away from you," Chloe spat.

Grace frowned. "You can't talk to me like that! I'm your mother!"

"Yes. And I wish you weren't. You lied to both Kenzie and I all our lives. And you're the last person who I would ever wish for as a mother," Chloe spat as she walked off.

Chloe was waiting outside for Freddie. She frowned when Warren came out. "Well?" She asked.

"They didn't believe me. I tried to tell them. But they didn't believe me," Warren said.

Chloe frowned. "But... it's an alibi. Surely they have to give him the benefit of the doubt."

Warren nodded. "Usually. But when the person who's giving the alibi has been inside more times then I've had hot dinners, that tends to give them suspicion it's a lie," he said.

Chloe groaned. "Damn it. Freddie is not going to jail for something he didn't do. I'm not letting him," she said.

Kenzie walked over. "The only way to get him out is to set someone else up. Plant their DNA at the scene."

Chloe nodded. "Grace. She did it to me. I'll do it to her."

"She is your mum. You sure about this?" Warren asked.

"Yes. I want her to suffer like I have. And what will hurt her more then being separated from her precious Nemo and her two precious girls?"

Kenzie nodded and smiled. "Then I guess we're going to set our mother up for murder."

Chloe was sitting in the club. She missed Freddie and she couldn't wait to have him back. But deep down, she felt guilty for setting her own mother up for murder.

Chloe looked up as Trevor walked in. "Chloe?"

"Look. I came for a drink. Okay. I don't want nothing else. From you or my mother. Okay?"

Trevor nodded. But he had no idea that his own daughter was about to take away the only love of his life.

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