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Chloe woke in bed next to Freddie. She smirked as she straddled him. Freddie opened his eyes. He smirked. "Well. This is a beautiful way to wake up to," he told her.

Chloe grinned as she kissed him. She looked into his eyes. "I love you Freddie."

"I love you too."

The two of them made out and Freddie pushed into her. Chloe began grinding against him. She moaned as she felt herself reach her high.

Chloe went to meet up with Kenzie. Kenzie smiled. "Hey. I still need to tell Warren I'm pregnant. But I need you to help me tell him. Because I know that he won't be happy."

"Okay. Let's go to the garage. He'll be there won't he?"

"Yeah. I'm so scared."

"It'll be okay. I'm with you. I won't let anything happen. I promise."

The two sisters arrived at the garage. Kenzie shook her head. "I can't do this," she said.

"Yes you can."

Kenzie shook her head again. "Please. Don't make me do this. Just tell him you need him to look at an engine," she said.

Chloe rolled her eyes but nodded. She walked inside and saw Freddie there. She looked at him. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Nothing. Just talking to Warren about something. Don't worry though. Are you okay?" Freddie asked.

Chloe nodded and smiled. "Yeah. I needed Warren to check my engine. But it's fine. It's all fine," she said.

Freddie wasn't convinced. He looked at her. "Babe. You sure you're okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. I've gotta go. Kenzie is waiting for me."

Chloe glared as she looked at Kenzie. "Freddie was in there. I had to lie."

Kenzie sighed. She nodded. "I'm sorry. I just.... Me and Warren are in a good place right now. And I don't want to ruin it with this baby. I'm sorry."

Chloe took her hand. "It'll be okay. You know that right?"

"I don't know. I just feel like this baby will change everything. And I don't want that. I want to keep what me and him have. You'd be the same right?" Kenzie asked.

"No. Because I'd tell Freddie the truth. I know you're scared. You don't need to be. Okay?"

Chloe went to the flat to see Grace. She saw her sitting on the sofa. "Found who did this to you?" She asked.

"No. But I feel like it was Warren Fox. He was lurking around. Before I was attacked."

Chloe rolled her eyes and sighed. "I doubt it. He was probably with Kenzie. And we both know that. You're trying to ruin what we have. And it's not going to work. First me and Freddie. Now Kenzie and Warren. When is it ever going to end?"

Grace sighed. "I'm the one who was attacked. Do you not care about that?"

"No. Because I have been lied to all my life. My sister is my mother. And how do you think that makes me feel?"

"I said I was sorry."

"I don't want your apology. You can stick it."

Chloe turned and walked out. But she had no idea how Grace's attacker was closer to her than she thought.

Secrets that hurt (Hollyoaks)Where stories live. Discover now