''I don't have to. But I know one thing, love is successful when its equal and looking at you, I can easily conclude that you can never let your other half feel equal. You are a waste Rathore.''

Vansh lunged at her but she blocked him with a clutch. ''You will never understand my relation with Urvi and I know why. Vansh was speechless, Leela reminded him of Chitra but a more fiery version of her.

He shut his eyes once , he knew he was rude. ''I didn't mean to hurt you.''

''trust me, you haven't. I don't give people that kind of power over me.'' 

He smiled. ''I kind of like you.''

''Good for you.''

''What are you doing here? Let them have fun.''

''I have never left her alone, I don't feel like doing now.'' Leela replied. Vansh shook his head. Grabbed her wrist and dragged her along. ''Let's go''


''You need to loosen up.'' Leela followed him shaking her head.


Ranawat family did all possible ritual to ward off the evil eye of their beloved Princess. After months all Ranawat's gathered under one roof and like always, Raina was the center of affection.

Raina answered all the attention with a smile but she wasn't her usual self. ''What's wrong Princess?'' Her uncle and Adi's cousin asked


''No, you aren't the quite one. Tell me.''

''Chachu, I want to be more independent. I want to learn to do things on my own.''

Her uncle's brow furrowed. ''Is it because of that useless Siddhanth. You shouldn't believe on what he says. You are precious and we can't take the risk of letting you face any sort of danger.'' Raina's shoulder's slumped. Her dad's first cousin, Adhiraj was her last hope. and he too didn't understand her need to be away. She just nodded. Adhiraj hugged his beloved niece moving on to the lunch table. 

''They won't let you go.'' That was her cousin Maan , a year older than her, he had accepted the so called protocols with smile but he understood Raina's state .

''What should I do then? I want to go away for sometime, make something of myself. I want to be worthy.''

Maan wiped his sister's cheeks. ''Listen to what I say and carefully. Your dad had spend a great amount of time in London, and his chief security was James. Whom we know as his friend.''


''Talk to your dad. Agree about the army of security and they might think.''

''I don't want security.''

''My little Raina, before you fly you need to walk. Think and call me, I will tell you what to do next.'' Raina blinked. Maan laughed at her innocence, throwing an arm around her, he walked her to the table where whole Ranawat clan was seated for the feast.  ''Look at them, they think you broke the curse and you should be kept inside like a treasure. You can't convince all, but one at a time will do.''

''Divide and Rule.''

Maan choked on his juice. His cousin definitely needed a lot of practical learning. ''Something like that, yet nothing like it.'' She scratched her head and he pinched her nose. ''Think and call me.''


''Who are they?''  Ananya asked watching a group of people in the reception of Grand Palace. She had come to give Sona a tour and was surprised to find a group which looked nothing like tourist. 

''That's a well known actress and her crew, they are here for a shoot and wanted to check if they can shoot inside the palace.''  answered a very excited receptionist but one look from Ananya and she went silent.

''A!'' Vikram hugged his aunt affectionately. ''You can't stay away from him for a moment right.' He teased and that earned him a slap. ''You are hugging me to know where your wife is?'' He blushed.

''Vicky, we don't expose ourselves so much to the media. I don't have a good feeling about this film crew.''

Vikram squeezed her shoulder. ''I know. They should have been stopped before  now they want to meet Uncle. I don't know how to handle it with media around.'' Their conversation was interrupted  by male voice. ''When can we meet Mr Ranvijay! You see our association can bring lot of tourist here.'' 

Vikram just smiled and then made the introduction. ''Meet the Queen of Jaigarh, Ananya Ranvijay Rathod.'' The man was little taken aback. Ananya looked dominating, her eyes pierced through him and it was clear she didn't like their presence. ''I am ready to leave.''

''Your highness! We have a request . Please allow us a few days to shoot in Rathore Palace.''

Ananya narrowed her eyes. ''Rathore Palace is my home , not a shooting destination. Find some other place.'' She didn't wait for a moment before getting in with Sona in tow. ''Badi Maa, are you fine.''

Ananya caressed Sona's face. It wasn't the director she had been glaring at. It was the beautiful woman behind him, who had her eyes set on Vikram. Ananya shook her head. Her Vicky had always been a good boy, there was nothing to worry. But her experience reminded her to be aware of little hints life threw at them. 


Next would be engagement. 

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