7 - Barriers

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"I don't understand," I vented pacing the kitchen. "There is not a single record pertaining to Virgil. It is as if he should not exist." After hours of dedicated research i had no satisfactory findings to report. I had failed at this one task I was set out to accomplish.

"How can that be? There's no way you overlooked something with the records Microsoft Turd" Roman blabbed. I was shocked at the mere mention of my overlooking of something so important. I shot him a silencing glare to not offend me any further.

Patton stood between us his eyes darting back and forth from our glares. "Woah kiddos. Let's calm down. I'm sure there's a reason behind this but I'm not sure we need to know it." He took Roman's hand in his own. "Roman, Virgil doesn't blame you. He's not mad at you for how his life has been. Right?"

Roman let out a sigh. "No, I suppose you're right Padre. We should just move on."

That would not do. "I refuse to accept this. I am the personification of logic and factual reasoning. I should be able to understand this and I will."

"Logie please-"

"I'm sorry Patton but I must know why this peculiar situation has arisen." Patton gave up pleading with me and attended to the waffles once more.

"Do you have any ideas then?" Roman asked sinking his head to the counter. He obviously hadn't gotten any more sleep than I did last night and the conversation was losing his interest.

"Well, I have concluded that you," I spoke gesturing to the dazed prince "did not create Virgil." This caught his attention and he lifted his head, shock and confusion present. "I have two running theories on the matter. The first is that we underestimated Remus's abilities and he was able to create a fugment."

"That could explain why he wants Virgil so bad, being his own handiwork! But there's no way he has the power to do that. I took most of the power when we split."

"I agree. And that leaves my remaining theory. Virgil is not who he says he is."

Roman was about to respond when he was distracted by a thud in the living room. The two of us quickly went to investigate with Patton trailing behind a moment later.

Roman sighed seeing a stunned Virgil on the ground with a hand to his forehead and the front door wide open. He wore his boots and backpack and had obviously been attempting another escape. Patton rushed over and helped the boy up, who only looked to the door in confusion.

"I created another barrier on the house so you would not be able to flee again," I explained now holding the bridge of my noise as a headache built.

Patton closed the front door as Virgil started panicking. His breathing became rapid and he looked around frantically. "It's ok kiddo. Calm down."

"Listen, my brother knows you're with us now. It's not a good idea to ho out there."

Fed up with the useless comforting I got to the task at hand. "I believe we should discuss the situation more Virgil. It would seem there are no records of your existence in the imagination and I would like to know why you insist on trying to run. What is it that you are keeping from us?"

Virgil backed away. "You're locking me in here?" he asked horrified. His entire being began shaking and he looked to Patton for comfort.

"It's for your own good kiddo." Patton reached out for Virgil but would not be able to grasp him.

"That's what Deceit said!" he cried out running down the hallway.

We all stood in the living room, suspended in silence. Deceit. That adds a whole new variable to this conundrum.

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