Chapter 11

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Long time no see guys.... I re-read over this story the other day and realized I NEEDED to update.. Sorry :P 


Jazmine's POV

Walking up the stairs of the library, Jon lead me through the doors. The building was huge. We were greeted at the door by a younger woman, porbably 20. She looked at Jn and started batting her eyelashes and she excitedly greeted him, ignoring my existance.

"Hello! Welcome in! Do you need help finding anything, handsome?" She chirped, tossing her long brown hair over her shoulder and batting her eyelashes more. 

"Actually, yes." Jon piped up, tossing his arm around me. "WE need a copy of The Outsiders."

Her gaze turned cold as she looked at me, hiding under Jons arm. She rolled her eyes and lost her cheerful self. Turning away from us, she waved to follow. We walked through the building, Jon not removing his arm from around me.

"So you lied to my fucking face? You told me you never found her. Now I'm hearing that you and her had a little fucking moment in the stairway? Tell me, Joe, what happened?"

"None of your damn business. You said she was our next target, not that you liked her. So why the fuck does it matter to you?"

"Why the fuck does it matter to him? I told you he liked her!" Colby yelled. Joe slamed him against the wall and Jon came up to try and separate them. I accidentally let a gasp slip and they all stopped and looked at me. My eyes were watering.

Were they fighting

"Here you go.." mumbled the girl, handing Jon the book. I didnt even realized that I had spaced out. The whole situation that happened earier kept replaying through my head. Its all I could think about. Jons arm slid from around me and grabbed the book from the girl. 

"Thank you, ma'am." he smiled. She scoffed and walked away.

"Now that she's gone, are you okay? You were pretty out of it while we were walking over here. You didn't seem like you were paying attention whatsoever."

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. Lets just get out of here."

"Not until you tell me whats wrong... I'm actually concerned."

I was considering telling him the truth.. But it would make things so akward between us for the rest of the night, at least..! I can't just tell him. What could I tell him though...? What was I gonna say? Home issues? No.. School? No, I've only been there for one day.. Maybe I'll jus-

I was pulled from my thoughts by Jon pressing his lips against mine. They were soft, but not as soft as Joes.

Why...? Why is he kissing me..? Was Colby right..? Does he actually like me..? No..

I pulled back, taking half a step back also. The look in his eyes.. I've never seen it aside from the way Joe looked at me earlier. Whatever it was, It was warm.. But I couldnt let it happen. I took a deep breath and dropped my head as I turned and walked away. He grabbed my arm, turning me back towards him. I pulled my arm back from him quickly.

"Jon.. I have to go.." I said, quietly. I turned and walked away, not allowing him to give any protest. I walked out the doors of the library and looked at the road ahead of me. I had no idea how to get home, but I would have to figure it out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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