Chapter 3

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The bell rang and I headed towards my class, english. I head to the back and sit down in my usual seat. The class slowly filled with kids, many keeping their distance from me, like usual. The teacher. Ms. Sharron, walked in and stood at the front of the class as the last kids filed in and filled the empty seats. Ms. Sharron smiled at everyone as the final bell rang.

"Good morning class. Today, we a-" she was cut off by the door opening and the new girl poking her head in before entering. She made direct eye contact with me as I smirked. She broke the contact to look at the teacher as she spoke.

"Ohh, yes. I almost forgot. We have a new student joining us today. Come up here and introduce yourself." Ms. Sharron insisted. Jazmine sulked to the front of the room. Looks like I didn't need to torment her brother to get her name. She stood there, lightly trying to hide her fear. But I could see it in her face. She was petrified to be in front of the class.

"Let's start this off easy. What's your name and where are you from?"

"I'm Jazmine Tylers and I just moved here -..."

"No duh you just moved here. Or else we would have seen you here before." I called, causing the class to erupt into laughter. Ms. Sharron glared at me. I smiled and chuckled, sitting comfortably in my desk.

"Jon, are you asking for more detention? You really need to quit being so rude." Ms. Sharron snapped. "I'm so sorry, Jazmine. Please continue."

"No, it's not important. I'll just sit down." she mumbled, shooting me a look that could kill. I felt a twinge in my chest. What the hell was that?? I don't feel emotions in my chest. Odd.

"Well, sadly, there's only one open seat... Next to Jon... Unless someone would like to help her out and sit there instead." Ms. Sharron said, pulling me out of my thoughts. Nobody spoke up. I scoffed and put my feet on the open desk.

"Sorry, she can't sit here. Seats taken." I mumbled. Ms. Sharron came up and swatted my feet off the desk and gave me a nasty look before looking to Jazmine with an apologetic look. She came over and sighed and sat in the desk next to me. I glanced at her as I got comfortable again and looked back to the front of the class.

"Alright guys. We're going to be starting a partner project. You will need to be able to create a poster about a book that you both enjoy. You'll have to be able to work outside of class with your partner, in which whom you'll draw from this hat." Ms. Shannon spoke, pulling out a hat. "Jazmine, I already put your name in here last night. Would you like to go first?"

"Uhhm.. Sure..?" she mumbled. Ms. Shannon came up to her and held the hat out. I quickly reached out in front of her and grabbed a name out of the hat. Jazmine sighed and sat back. I opened the slip of paper and scoffed.

"I demand a re-draw. I don't wanna partner with her." I laughed. Ms. Shannon took the paper from me and read the name before glancing at Jazmine.

"Would you like to be partners with Jon or do you want a re-draw?"

"It's only fair that it's what he drew. Don't wanna torture anyone else in here with having to deal with being his partner." She said with a small smile. The class laughed at her comment. I scoffed.

"Nobody wants to be your partner either, Jazzy. Nobody even likes you."

"You've got things backwards, Jonny. Nobody likes you."

"Alright guys, that's enough." Ms. Sharron said, walking away with the hat to other kids.

"Now you've gotta give me your number so we can work." I demanded. I handed her my phone and she hesitantly entered her number into my contacts. I grabbed my phone back and saved it as 'Jazzy'. Once everyone got their partners together, Ms. Sharron stood in front of the class and got everyone's attention.

"The rest of the class is to be spent talking about a mutual books and deciding which one to do the project on and how you'll design it. After today, you cannot work on it in class, so you have to meet up outside of school to work together on it. Have fun!"

(Jazmine Pov)

"So, you don't seem like you read a lot. So what books have you read?" I asked, pulling out a sheet of blank paper and a pencil to write books down. He scowled at my comment before speaking.

"I've read a lot before, thank you very much."

"Comic books don't count, dingus."

"I wasn't talking about comic books, dingus. I was talking about actual books. What have you read, so we have more of a variety to choose from?" He asked. That shocked me. I pulled the paper to me and started jotting down all the books I could remember reading in the past year or so. Once I was done, Jon grabbed my pencil from me and put a star by seven books.

"Mutual books. See, wasn't that easy? Now we just pick one. Which one is your favorite?" He asked. I was genuinely confused about what was going on. He does not seem like the type of person who reads a lot, let alone have mutual books with me. Or even be helping with the project at all. I pointed to one title, 'The Outsiders'. He looked at me and smiled with a nod.

"Good. Mine too. So, your house or mine tonight?" He asked. I was seriously confused by this guy. Less than ten minutes ago, he was being a jerk to me. Now he has my number, and we're meeting up after school to work together.

"You okay there?" he asked. I didn't realize I was spacing out in my thoughts, staring right at him. "I know I'm hot, but c'mon now. I asked a question." he laughed. There's the Jon I met and hate. I just scoffed.

"We can do your house. My mom is probably gonna be laying down by the time I get home tonight, so I don't want to wake her up."

"Alright then. Meet me by the bike rack after school, then we can head over. Sound cool?"

"Yeah, sure." I said as the bell rang. I stood up. "See you then."

"See ya.." he mumbled as I walked out of the classroom.

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