Chapter 10

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"Sounds good to me." He smiled. He headed back inside and I followed.


It was time. Diego was going to be here any minute. Leslie just left and I was sitting in the living room, waiting for the knock. My hair was done in tight curls and I had Leslie do my makeup. I had the dress on and felt amazing. There was a knock on the door and I came up to it, getting excited. I opened the door and there was a sack over my head and I was being drug out of my house. I was trying to scream, but the bag was tight over my throat and there was a hand over my mouth. I was kicking and flailing, trying to get free. I was drug into a car and I felt it move. Zip-ties were tied around my wrists and the bag was pulled off my head. I went to scream, but tape was slapped onto my mouth. I looked up at my captor. It was dark, so I couldn't make out much. All I could see was a dark mask on their face.

"D, what was the point of this again?" asked once voice from the front of the car.

"Shut the hell up and just drive!" called the one called "D". I knew the voice..... It was Diego.... I tried to talk to him, but my mouth was taped. So I said his name the best I could.

"Hey cupcake. So you figured out it's me. Should've kept your mouth shut Nick..." he growled. He grabbed my face roughly with one hand and forced me to look at him.

"You wish this was a dream, don't you?" he laughed. "Pathetic..."

He let go and slapped me, hard. I fell over and whimpered.

"This is gonna be hilarious!"

(End Flashback)

I felt warmth run down my cheeks as the cool air hit my face. I quickly wiped my eyes and focused on the building in front of us. It was the library.

"Are you okay?" Jon asked, scaring me a little. I quickly nodded and walked to the doors of the building. 


Hey guys. Long time no see. This is all I have written and I know I haven't updated in a while so I owe it to you guys. I've been working hard in school to try and graduate in about 2 months. So that's a thing. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Talk to you later!


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