Chapter 6

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We headed towards the cafeteria, sitting at our usual table. Jon went and got some lunch and sat back down. I wasn't feeling that hungry since I was worried about Jaz. I looked up and saw her walk into the cafeteria and got in the lunch line. Once she got to the lady, they talked and she walked in. A little bit later, she walked out and sat at a small table in the corner of the room.

"I'll be right back.." I mumbled to Jon. I glance at him and he's flirting with another chick. I sighed and got up, heading towards Jazmine.

"Is this seat taken?" I asked, coming up to her. She glanced up to me and looked back down at her food.

"That was a mistake..." she mumbled. I sat down by her, looking at her face. She looked so depressed. She wouldn't look at me.

"What was..?"

"What we did in the stairway. It was a mistake. It shouldn't have happened. I've gotta go..." she mumbled, getting up and walking away. I got up and followed her.

"What do you mean? Jaz, please talk to me."

"I can't Joe. Please leave me alone before I hurt you..." she cried, walking away. I stopped and felt a sharp pain in my chest. I had honest feelings for her. She turned down another hallway and disappeared. The pain in my chest got worse the more I thought about her.

"You alright man? You disappeared on me." Jon asked, coming up behind me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I mumbled, not looking away from where she turned. The kid who said he was her brother came walking around the same corner. He looked Jon and I and looked scared. I shrugged Jon's hand off my shoulder and came up to the kid.

"You're Jazmine's brother, right?" I asked. He nodded his head quickly. I put my hand on his shoulder and lead him back down the hallway.

"What's your name?"


"Don't be scared of me, Mitch. I'm not gonna hurt you. I just wanna ask some questions about your sister."

"Why are you guys so interested in Jazzy? Are you trying to hurt her?"

"No, not at all.." I whispered. The pain in my chest grew stronger, causing me to hold my free hand to my chest.

"You like her, don't you?"

"We had a moment together, but she then said it was a mistake... Now I have this pain in my chest that won't leave and worsens anytime I think about her..."

"Well you're better off forgetting about her. Something happened with her last boyfriend that caused her to shut down. She didn't used to wear all black and cut herself. Sh-"

"She cuts herself?!?"

"Yeah. She tries to hide it, but I'm her brother. I can see it in how she acts when she does and where."

"I've gotta go..." I mumbled, bolting down the hallway. If she were to do that, she would go somewhere alone.. I saw a girls room and heard sobs coming from it. I could tell it was her. I burst into the door.

"Jaz.." I said, going to the locked stall. I knocked. "Jaz please open the door..."

"Joe, you shouldn't be in here.." she whispered, trying to hold herself together.

"I'm not leaving till you open the door. Please..." I begged. There was some shuffling and I heard her open and close her bag. My chest got tight. When she opened the door, her cheeks were stained with tears. I grabbed her hand and gently pulled her jacket sleeves up. Her left arm was  covered in cuts and blood.

"Jaz... Why...?"

"It's nothing..." she spoke softly. The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. I brought her over to the sink. I got some soap and started washing her arm. She winced a little, but kept her composure. I grabbed some towels and gently dried her arm. I went into the stall and got some toilet paper. I wrapped her arm with some. I reached into my bag and grabbed my medical wrap. I wrapped it around the toilet paper. Once I was done, I gently kissed it and pulled her sleeve down. I looked up at her and her eyes were on the floor.

"I talked to Mitch... Whatever happened before, I won't do to you. I would never hurt you."

"Joe, please stop. I can't be with you, or anyone. I've gotta go..." she said, walking out of the bathroom. I stood and sighed. I walked out and saw her going into a classroom. I looked down and headed for my class.

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