Chapter 1

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The Shield In High School

(Jazmine Pov)

I just moved into this new town, and I'm starting at a new school today. It's Monday, which already sucks as it is, but now I'm the new kid. I slowly climb out of bed and stand in front of my mirror. My hair still up in a bun as I left it the night before. I walk to the other side of my room and open my closet. I had just barely gotten any of my clothes in there before I had to call it quits for the day. So all my favorite clothes are in there. I grab my black skinny jeans and a Panic! At The Disco shirt and went to the bathroom. I hopped in the shower and started washing my long hair. It came down to the middle of my back and had blue streaks randomly placed around in it. I rinsed it out and started washing my body. Once I finished, I got out and dried myself off before getting dressed. I blow dried my hair and turned on my straightener. I walked back out into my room and put my socks and black combat boots on before heading back into the bathroom and straightening my hair. I opened my mirror and grabbed my eyeliner and did my typical makeup. All black around my eyes and a dark maroon lipstick. I headed downstairs and saw a note on the kitchen table.


    I had to head out early, had an emergency call. Make sure Mitch gets up and ready for school too. You guys gotta be on time. Please behave at school and make sure you find him after school so you can walk home.

    Love you both,

I sighed and headed to Mitch's room and knocked. I heard grumbling before he stumbled to the door and opened it.

"What do you want, Jaz?" he said, sleepily.

"You've gotta get up and ready for school. Mom had an emergency call and isn't here, so I'm in charge. Get ready, we're leaving in 20 minutes."

"Can't I just stay home today?" He pleaded. I sighed.

"No. You know the rules. Plus it's the first day. If I have to go, you do too."

"Uggh, fine." he signed, shutting his door. I went back into the kitchen and grabbed some bread from the cabinet. I put two slices into the toaster and pressed the lever down before grabbing the butter out of the fridge. When the toast popped up, I pulled them out and put butter on them. Mitch came out fully dressed and I handed him a slice. I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder. We both bit into our toast as we started heading for the door. We started walking, as the school was only a few blocks away. We walked up to the front of the school and saw groups of people staring.

"I don't wanna be known for being around you. See you later!" Mitch laughed as he took off towards a group of people. Everyone was staring at me as I walked up the front steps and in the front doors.

The Shield In High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now