Chapter 7

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(Colby Pov)

"What were you doing going into the girls bathroom?" I asked, looking at Joe as he sulked into his seat next to me. The bell rang and he didn't answer, as he seemed in a daze.

"You get slapped or something? What did you expect?" I laughed. He glared at me out of the corner of his eye before standing up.

"Joe, what are you doing? Class has started." Mr. Frazier said. Joe just glared at him and walked out of class. Mr. Frazier looked at me and nodded towards the door, signaling me to go after him. I shot Jon a text saying to come to Frazier's room. I got up and walked out the door. I saw him walking down the hall.

"Joe, what the hell?" I called. He stopped dead in his tracks.

"What the hell? WHAT THE HELL?!?!" He yelled, spinning around. "I JUST HAD TO SEE SOMETHING WE USED TO MAKE FUN OF PEOPLE FOR! ON SOMEONE I.... Someone I... Love...."

"Joe, what are you talking about?"

"Jazmine... Sh-"

"You think you love Jazmine?" That caught me off guard..

"That isn't the point, dipshit... I just had to bandage up her arm..."

"Dude, shes emo. What do you ex-"


Joe's fist was against the wall, centimeters from my head. He got in my face, growling lowly.

"I dare you to finish that sentence.." he growled. I stood my ground.

"I don't even get what you and Jon see in that little hoe. It's obvious she's a tramp if she was all over you like that in the stairway after she had just met you."

"What..?!" Finally he knows. I looked over Joe'a shoulder and saw Jon standing there. He looked furious. Joe turned around and huffed.

"So you lied to my fucking face? You told me you never found her. Now I'm hearing that you and her had a little fucking moment in the stairway? Tell me, Joe, what happened?"

"None of your damn business. You said she was our next target, not that you liked her. So why the fuck does it matter to you?"

"Why the fuck does it matter to him? I told you he liked her!" I yelled. Not letting him get out of this. He turned to me and slammed me against the wall. Jon came up and grabbed his arm. He had me by the throat as Jon tried to get between us. His grip was tight, but I could still breath. There was a gasp and we all looked. Jazmine was standing there. I smirked.

"There's the tramp of the hour."

Joe's grip tightened on my throat causing me to start gasping for air. Jon turned and got his hand off my throat. Joe dropped his arm and walked towards Jazmine. She had tears running down her cheeks. Joe reached up and wiped her cheeks. I heard Jon growl next to me.

"Just gonna let him do that in your face?" I whispered. Jon glanced at me before stepping forward and jerking Joe backwards by his shoulder. He then stepped forward and held her face and crashed his lips to hers. She pulled back almost instantly. As she did, Joe grabbed Jon and slammed him against the wall.

"Jaz, please walk away so they can't hurt you anymore." Joe said, looking at her with a sad look.

"Remember, Jaz," Jon called, mocking Joe. "You're still coming by tonight so we can work on that project."

I saw Joe's hand clench and Jon choked. I got between Joe and Jon as Jazmine scurried down the hallway. Once I got Joe's hand off, Jon stepped away from him.

"What the fuck is your problem, Joe?" Jon asked. Joe just glared at him and walked away. Jon and I looked at each other before shrugging and heading the opposite direction.

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