The New Arrival To Morioh

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It's gotten to the point where you had to move out of your family house, you were 24 and you had your own responsibilities. You wanted to stay young and do things, but you had to get your life together. At least you had your belongings and your own car and such. So when you packed all your stuff and left you went one direction, and one direction only, you wanted to see how far you can go until you were satisfied with the passer by towns.

A hour and a half drive later there seemed to be some radio towers with meadows and prairies to go along with it. Eventually you got to drive into a little town, there wasn't much huge buildings and the people walking around looked calm and determined to get where they need to go.

You drove around for a bit to see more. It was beautiful and quiet, wonderfully your fit. The houses, the trees, the sky, it was extraordinary. You eventually found the center of town and people were bustling around in it, just enjoying their morning. This was the place you would settle in if you checked its inner details, for now you would find a house to live in since you saved up some money.

You keep driving, the houses were lovely but they were already occupied. You went south, west, east, and still everything was taken. Eventually you went to the north side of the town. Going to the east of it you found a bunch a villas and houses, and a lot of them didn't seem occupied, only a few were, and plus they didn't look too expensive. You had near 500 million yen so it was fine. So you were gonna find someone to give you and sell you a house.

At least a day later you managed to find one, go through the whole process as fast as you could, and move in. So then of course you had your house, it looked lovely, it had a fine amount of plants, providing good shade in the front. You sighed and walked in, it being empty of course, you still thought it was lovely. More beautiful than your old house, since you could put whatever you want anywhere, yet you had to do all the work yourself, so you just set boxes down and unpacked a few things then settled for the while.

After a while you decided to go outside, to walk, to do whatever. Get a feel of the vibe. You then noticed that next door, there seemed to be a occupied villa. Interesting, you had a neighbor. You looked over your fence, there seemed to be a white car in the driveway, so someone was definitely living there. You decided not to snoop anymore, whoever the person was living there was entitled to their privacy.
So you went inside, deciding to get unpacking over with.

In the next house although, there stood a man in the driveway, he had very colorful attire on and very bright blonde hair. He looked at the fence in curiousity. "Strange, I thought I just saw someone there.." He spoke.

He sighs. "Whatever, might've been my imagination."

The man then gets in his car, opening his suit jacket to pull something out.

A severed hand. He sets it on the passenger seat, admiring it. He smirks at it, as if it was a real person.

Blood trickled out of it.

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