Chapter 6: I love you (Joseph POV)

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I woke up, it was a bit early but I was not surprised that she was gone. I was surprised however that she had not at least said goodbye, maybe she was in a rush though.
Normally we did not work around the same shifts besides Friday nights when it got really busy. I worked a lot of that day and she did as well. I didn't think about her not saying goodbye too much though. I'm sure she did care, she had really seemed like it last night at least.
It was such a fun time, we had only worked together so I never really got to fully know her but last night she had really opened up about a lot of things. She had told me she had feelings for a while but she was always just too scared to confess.
If I had not opened up last night then I probably would have never gotten the chance. She had told me that she was going to move in with me though. She said her rent was basically all of her money and it was going up for a run down place.
I was happy to have her, if my sister Maria ended up staying with me which I had a good feeling was going to happen I would just have to go buy another bed at the workshop, I had money for it so I was not too worried about that.
After a few moments of just sitting at the ceiling not really thinking about anything I finally pulled myself up. I wondered what I was going to do today, the place was still fairly clean even though I had Julia last night and she was always a bit of a mess.
I figured if my father would let me then I would probably just go ahead and see my mother and sister and see how they are holding up for the first 2 days. I figured that they should be fine, he didn't have his outburst as much as he used to.
I mainly just wanted to make sure that they were okay, and I already missed their company even though I had Julia's all of last night. There's just always something different about hanging out with a friend and hanging out with family.
They are both special times, do not get me wrong, I felt loved last night, but I knew my mother and sister my whole life and being with them was completely different. I loved them and just wanted to make sure that things were going okay.
With my father drinking, and going to parties, making a mess everywhere, I was kind of like the father of the house almost. I taught my sister what was good and what was bad. My father never really taught me that even before he went on the deep end.
After I stopped thinking I slowly pulled myself from off of the bed, my muscles were cramping a little bit so that was a bit of a problem, I had stayed up pretty late I could only imagine my father David what he must feel after waking up after being drunk and partying all night.
He was probably used to it honestly, I always make sure that I get a solid amount of sleep. Last night was a bit rough, but I had already woken up and I was not about to just head back to sleep. I walked into the kitchen and then looked at what I should make for breakfast.
I found some ham and some eggs and I pulled them out of the bin and put them on the counter. I began making them, making sure I did nothing wrong. I made a mental note to leave some for Julia in case she did come home tonight.
I then turned on the stove and began cooking the eggs, I would scramble them that way they would not go bad when Julia came back. Once I was done with that I put it in some Tupperware that Pop and Susan had kindly bought for me.
They were good owners, I was surprised they did not have more business because they offered a pretty fair price compared to places like where Julia lived. I felt bad for her, I wondered how long she had been living low on funds.
I hope I could help her out, I don't know why but somewhere deep in my mind I thought about a life together with her. I didn't need to think those type of thoughts quiet yet though. We had barely even officially started dating. I just couldn't stop thinking about her.
She was so beautiful and I had cared about her so much for a long time. I had always just been so afraid to tell her and yesterday Jim had really exposed our feelings for each other.
I was thankful to Jim as well, he had just helped me so much in my life, not just in that aspect. He had taught me how to make it on my own, and I know it just started but it felt like I was already there and ready for it.
After I finished off the ham I put that in a tupperware as well and then I put them in the bin. I sat down on the couch and looked at the bookshelf to see what I should read before I went to go talk to my mom before eventually heading into work.
I looked at all of the stories that were on the shelf. I then picked up one that looked exciting. It was about the dead coming back to life and eating humans. I heard about them, something about the undead or zombies as a few people liked to call it.
It seemed pretty interesting so I decided that I was going to read it.

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