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Changbin's POV

"I can't help you, Changbin. I need to tell this to the council. I'm sorry but you shouldn't have come here. Because of that you will die."
The ravenette turned around and attempted to open the door but I yelled at him.
"Please! I'll do anything you want but please don't tell this to the council. If I'm dead my friends won't be able to free Jeongin!"

Shit, I spoke before thinking. Why did I tell him about Jeongin?! I destroyed everything. Now he knew!
The man stopped and turned around again. His eyes were still shining but this time it wasn't a cold glow, he seemed to be sad.
"You are friends with Jeongin?" he continued asking and I slowly nodded. I was so screwed.

"You know what... I'll help you, but there will be a price."
W- what? How the fuck did I do this?
Stop, no time for thinking. I had to act quickly.
"Finally." I told him with a sly smile that he didn't copy. The ropes around my hands and feet were gone and I slowly rubbed my hurt skin.

"Let's start from the beginning." The ravenette began and sat down on a chair infront of me.
"My name is Park Seonghwa and I am Jeongin's friend like you so I'll help you this one time... Mrs. Lee you said? I want something regarding her."

Jisung's POV

The whole travel and flight to Australia Sydney Chan hadn't spoken one word. He'd just sleep or stare at the floor while being deep in thoughts. I decided to not bother him and let him have some space because I could very well relate to how he was feeling right now. Chan lost his sister and was on his way to her funeral. No one would be in the mood to talk.

I brought him to the house of his family and told the boy that it'd be safer if they didn't know about me so I stayed in a hotel for the night. Next day would be the funeral and although it might be selfish... I needed to go there to find the key, the death of Hannah was not my priority right now.
Lost in thoughts and not being able to sleep I called Minho. It was a miracle that he finally understood how to use a phone after we went to so many different earths. Earth 11 for example: their technology was 200 years more advanced than here and they didn't even use phones anymore.

It didn't take long until the other picked up.

"Waddup squirrel?"

"I swear I'll stab you if you ever say that again." I hissed a little too lound and quickly silenced my voice to not disturb the other people in the room next to mine. It was already after midnight so I shouldn't wake them up.

"You wouldn't dare but anyways. How are things going?"

"Fine I guess. Tomorrow we'll visit the grave and hopefully we can get the key and Chan will get better soon."

"Yeah I hope so too. Here in the apartment things are as usual although Changbin is somewhere outside."

"Minho! You can't let him leave alone! What if Mingi or some of the others find him?'"

"He'll be fine I think. Seonghwa called me and said he saw him on the streets completely fine."

"Seonghwa?" That guy was an older time spirit and additionally a friend of Jeongin. We only met him once and he taught us a few of the things we can do with our power but still...
"He isn't trustworthy! What if he tells the council?!"
Minho was quiet for a second but his tone was still relaxed when he started talking.

"We can't change it anyways. Lets just hope for the best."

He was right... but why would Changbin go out anyways?

"Oh Binnie is back! I'll call you tomorrow sungie. Bye byeee."

"Yeah. See you."

A small weight was lifted from my shoulders when I heard that Changbin made it back but the real issue was still about to come.


The next day was a foggy day. There was no rain but it was hard to see in the grey clouds making the vibe of the grave yard more depressed than it already was. The air was clear and cold but there were now sounds except for my and Chan's foot steps.

Chan stood infront his sisters grave small streams of tears rolling down his cheeks. It looked just like the vision of Hyunjin. The visit of his family seemed to have helped Chan with his mental condition but you could still see how heartbroken he was whenever you look into his eyes.

"Do you think its my fault? Because I've never been there for her?" the blond haired boy sobbed and turned around to look at me. His expression reminded me of Chan from earth 3 when I told him that I had to go... it was unbearable.
"No, Chan. It was her illness that caused all of this. I can imagine how happy she must be when she sees that you visited her grave." I tried to comfort him and came closer. Until now I kept my distance because I didn't want to disturb him and it felt like intruding into his personal life but now I had the feeling he needed someone to be there with him.
But Chan started sobbing again "I- I feel so horrible."
"No." I whispered and embraced him in a hug. "How could a person like you be horrible?"

The silent air was filled with muffled sounds comming from Chan and the quiet words that I whispered to try and make him feel better.
"Is her spirit really out there?"
"Yes" I said and carefully took my hands of him.
"Every soul of a dead human being lands at the same place where Jeongin is but instead of being locked up like him they can peacefully live there after they died. Thats what I heard. However, I can't say where it is... but Hannah will be in your heart for eternity."
"Thanks." Chan said and looked me in the eye. "I don't know you for long but you've become a very good friend to me."
I felt my heart skip a beat when he said that and the smile I was giving him was a bit forced... because I felt guilty. The last time I made good friends almost all of them died because of me. I couldn't let that happen again and everyday I lived with the fear that Mingi would suddenly show up and I'd stand in a pool of blood.
Thats why... I had difficulties showing honest love to all of them.
"Although it hasn't been in this world we've been friends for a long time."

I was distracted from my own thoughts when Chan pulled out a white rose that he had brought with him and placed it on the black marble grave stone.
"Rest in peace Hanna." he whispered.
"I love you"

In that moment a bright white light came from the rose that still was in the boys hand and for a second I wasn't able to see.
When I opened my eyes again I found Chan infront of me like before but instead of a flower he was holding an diamondlike shining key formed like a rose.
He stared at it in surprise.

"It was your acceptance that made the key appear." I slowly told him and Chan held on tighter to the magical object.
"It is for the best..." he sadly sighed. "There was nothing I could've done for her to live longer."

I wanted to tell him something that would make him feel better but he was right. Chan needed time to get over her death step by step and it didn't matter what I said because I knew he was already aware of everything.

"Lets go home." the boy sadly smiled while turning around and placing the key in his pocket.
I was a little taken aback of his sudden change but quickly caught myself and nodded.
"Of course. Staying here any longer would only make you suffer."

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