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Felix's POV

It was already 2 am at night but everytime I closed my eyes to sleep I just couldn't silence the thoughts in my head. Changbin who was asleep on a matress next to mine snorred silently. It has been like that since I entered the room after trying to calm down Chan and convince him to talk. In the end I let Jisung and Hyunjin handle him and was relieved to finally go to bed but when I found Changbin I remembered what happend before the incident with Chan.
It was him... well his child self who told the blue haired woman about my mother... it was his fault that I had to leave her and although I tried to tell myself that it was not his fault and that he was just a kid, I just couldn't get the thought out of my mind.
What concerned me even more is that he didn't talk to me after that. I didn't say anything either but I hoped that he'd maybe explain the situation and say that he doesn't remember ever telling anyone about my mother.
But he didn't even look at me so I started questioning what was going on inside his head. Did he not like the kiss? Did I say something wrong? Maybe he saw something else in his vision?

Anyways I wasn't going to be the first one to approach him. Regardless if he had been a child back then, he should apologize.
Somewhen early in the moring I finally fell asleep but when I woke up at 10 am the room was empty. Changbin had to be awake already so I went to the living room to search for him but he wasn't there. In fact no one was there.
I needed to talk to him, what ever it was that brought both of us apart. Somehow not being able to settle our difficulties made me freak out and I wanted to know why Changbin acted this way.

"Oi Felix! Want some breakfast?"
Someone shouted from the kitchen and I turned around to see Hyunjin and Seungmin who was the one talking to me. He was smiling while Hyunjin struggeled making pancakes behind him.
"Of course I want!" I pouted and stumbled over to them still half asleep.

"By the way where is the rest?"
The smile disappeared on Hyunjin's face and he sighed.
"Jisung tried to calm Chan down but he wouldn't talk to anyone and kept crying the whole night..."
I never saw Chan that way although I knew him for a very long time now.
"His mental health is really bad but if he doesn't face reality it's not gonna get better." Seungmin added.

"And where is he now?" I was curious and looked around the apartment.
"Jisung and him left about half an hour ago... they are going to visit Chan's family and search for the key. We thought seeing his family would be best for him right now." Hyunjin explained and gave me a weak smile.
"Wait... they are already gone?!" I questioned again and was too slow to understand the situation.

"Who is gone?"
Suddenly Minho apeared in the kitchen right infront of me. He looked like he came straight out of bed because his hair was messy and he had no shirt on. Slowly he rubbed his eyes and I took a step back in panic when I noticed that his bare chest was way too close to me.
The blue haired boy gave me an amused smirk.
"What? Never seen a shirtless guy? I thought you and Changbin-"
"Jisung and Chan took a plane to Australia half an hour ago." I quickly interrupted him.
For a short moment there was silence.
"Little squirrel baby went without me?!" Minho suddenly yelled and pretended to faint.
"Stop acting like an Idiot. He told you yesterday." Seungmin scoffed and Minho glared at him.
"I still feel betrayed! What if he cheats on me? Chan from earth 3 has been really close to him!"
What the fuck did he go through where he came from...

"Stop yelling you idiot." I heard a laugh comming from the hallway. So Woojin was also here. He just took a shower but where was Changbin?
"Good morning bear!" Minho waved at him earning a sarcastic grin from the other.
I quickly got back to my question.
"Does anyone know where Changbin is?" I asked all of them and Seungmin was the first to reply.
"He went of really early today, saying he is looking for someone who can help him."
"Help him with what?" Hyunjin wanted to know but Seungmin just shrugged.
"Dunno... but it seemed to be serious."
What could it be that Changbin wanted help with? Had it something to do with our past?
Being deep in thoughts I didn't notice the others yelling my name again and again before Minho tapped my forehead.
"Felix... you sure you good bro?" he tilted his head and I closed my eyes for a second to get a hold of the situation again.
"Yeah of course, was just thinking."
"About wh-?"
Seungmin tried to say but I interruted him because I wouldn't tell anyone of them about my past yet.
"What did you want to say?" I asked them instead and looked at everyone of them individually before Woojin took the word.
"So uhm, since yesterday you and Changbin have been acting strange to each other and we just wanted to ask if everything is alright..."

So they noticed... what would I say? Was everything alright? No it wasn't. I couldn't think of Changbin without picturing the kid that is responsible for my family's missery. There was a silent fight between the two of us.
"We just... realized some things that were a little hard to accept."

Changbin's POV

I've been walking through the streets for a short time but the way was still long.
When I saw that blackhaired man and the mint haired woman in my vision I recognized his face from somewhere I've been before and that was exactly where I was heading.
What I was going to do if I'd get there was still not decided but I just had to find him.
Sure, they were the ones who killed my parents but if it hadn't been for Felix and his mother who dragged my family into their missery it wouldn't have gotten that far.
Honestly I thought that Mrs. Lee had been a couragous and gentle person judging the fact that she saved both Felix and me. But if it hadn't been for her breaking the rule and lying to the council we would still live with our parents.

If I remembered correctly I saw the man in an old second hand shop around the corner. Was he a time spirit too? In the vision he had been one...
So either he was dangerous and I'd be screwed or I could talk to him about my goal.
Yes, I wanted to go to whatever earth my family had been living on and visit their grave stone and look at their personal belongings like photos etc.
But that was not the point... what I really wanted to know was if there was a way to save them, save my parents. There had to be a way. If we would be able to save Jeongin then maybe there was a way to save them too. Maybe their soul survived!

It wasn't fair, they were killed because someone told them a secret and that someone even survived. Why not kill Mrs. Lee? She deserved to be dead if my parents would live.
Anyways, there weren't many things that I wouldn't risk to see my parents again. Although I didn't have much memories with them, they were some of the warmest and happiest memories I had.

Finally I arrived at the small and old shop in a never crowded side alley.
The light was turned of and on a sign it said that the shop was closed. I've been here a few times and I knew that the owners did live behind their store so I should be able to talk to them anyway.
Carefully I knocked on the door.
"Hello?" I loudly said and tried looking through the glass of the door but it was too dark to see anything.
"Hm, I'm sure they should be aw-"

"Who are you?" Suddenly the front door opened in a swing and I almost stumbled and fell but the person infront of held onto my arm.
"Careful there strange guy." he said and I lifted my head to see his face better.


The young and handsome features, raven black hair and shining purple eyes. A face like that would stay in everyones mind and I was glad that I remembered seeing him before, when I went to the shop a few times.
"Uhm, thank you. Actually I'm here because I need to ask you something."
The man's eyes narrowed for a second but the shy smile on his face was still there.
"Ask me something? As far as I know we never met before and I have no idea who you are." he honestly said.
Did he pretend to not know? Or did he not remember the family that he ordered to kill?
I tried to stay calm.
"My name is Seo Changbin and if I'm right we met before... about 15 years ago, when-"

All of a sudden I wasn't standing at the same spot anymore. The street and shop were gone and I was sitting on a small chair inside a small but bright room. The guy from before blocked the way to the door and stared at me expressionlessly. In his hand there was a gun, directly aiming at my head and I noticed that my hands and feet were tied to the chair.
"Screw that time stopping thing."
I hissed and sighed. Maybe it hadn't been a good idea to come here after all.

"Seo Changbin" the ravenette said. "The fact that you remember me and know about the time spirits ability is reason enough to kill you and yet you are here."
"Wowowow Nonono no killing. Killing is bad. I'm here to make a deal."
The other raised his eyebrow and slowly let his hand fall.

"About what...? Say Changbin, I'm confused. We sealed away your memories and yet you know something that you shouldn't be aware of. Why is that...?"
his eye brows were furrowed and his eyes were dead serious.
"I dreamed of my past... had visions... saw what happened to my parents and whose fault it was." I mumbled not breaking eye contact.
"If you are here to take revenge on me then you'll not survive this."
"No, not on you. On Mrs. Lee."
I told him and a surprised expression formed on his face.
"Mrs. Lee?"
"I want to know if there is a way to bring my parents back and I'll pay any price you want from me if you can take me to were my parents died."
Seonghwa gave me a stare that was completely unreadable...

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