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Felix's POV

We were walking down a busy street near the restaurant and I had difficulties getting through the crowd. Why were there so many people here today?
"Hyunjin!" I yelled to get the boy's attention because they were too fast and I only saw the top of their heads in the crowd. But it seemed like he didn't hear me.
It wasn't like I was afraid alone without the others but it still sucked.
Then I saw Chan standing a bit further away and attemped to get to him but suddenly I bumped into someone causing both of us to fall to the ground.
"Oh no, I'm sorry!" I said to the cherry red haired guy that looked quiet pissed and helped him up again. When our eyes met I noticed that his iris was bright green reminding me of Jisung and Minho. Seriously, I thought this eye colour was rare so why did I see it so often for the last few days?
I kept staring at him waiting for an answer but he continued looking at me before a smile spread on his face.

"Don't worry. I'm fine. Things like this often happen to me" he laughed and I felt relieved that he wasn't angry at me. Then a question came out of mouth that I didn't think about before I started talking. "Your eyecolour, it is really rare. I thought most people here had brown eyes? Are those contacts?" Immediatly after saying that I felt like an idiot. Why did I always bother people with my thoughts...
Luckily the man wasn't surprised about my question and replied with a gentle voice.
"Actually no, it is my natural eye colour. It's shows others who I am."
"What do you mean with that?"
I asked him curiously and he opened his mouth as if to reply but quickly closed it again.
"Erm... just forget what I said. There are many people with green eyes, aren't there?"
Hm strange...
"Well, I only know 3 including you... but the other two just have one green colored eye which is even more rare if you ask me and-"
Suddenly the males expression changed. His nice and gentle expression switched to something like ... Aggression? Hatered? I couldn't really tell.
"Who are they?" he interrupted me and slowly I started thinking I should better go back to the others now. Somehow this guy was making me feel uncomfortable.
"Ahhh I forgot their names haha. Only saw them a few times in... a shop outside of the city." I responded with a smile and took a few steps back.
"See you around..." I added and quickly turned around to get out of the crowd.
Maybe he just didn't like someone with green eyes and thought I was talking about them? Could it be that he knew Minho and Jisung? I mean there weren't many people with different colored eyes, one of them being green.
It didn't matter for now, I needed to find-
Suddenly someone grabbed my arm and pushed a piece of cloth on my face.
"NO!" I yelled but the effect of the poison had already started. My view got dizzy and I suddenly felt so weak.
Maybe it hadn't been a good idea to get out of the crowd. Like that nobody could see me, nobody would help me.

I saw the face of a woman. She had beautiful black long hair and one of her eyes was coloured green. She was crying.
"You need to protect each other! Don't look back Felix. Changbin's family is dead so you need to be there for him, do you understand?!" she yelled while grabbing my shoulders and looking at me desperately. Next to me I saw a little black haired boy, sitting on the floor and crying.
"But mommy! I don't want to go!" I whined but it was too late. A bright green light filled the room.

"MOM" I screemed and jumped up from the floor I had just been laying on.
"Huh? Where am-" I mumbled but another voice interrupted me.
"Hello Felix, long time no see."
I tried to find the person that had just said something but in the room, or more like in the cellar we were in it was very dark.
"Where are you CHANGBIN?!" I yelled and the male stepped out of the shadows.
"I'm sorry for bringing you here but I need some answers." I coldly said.
So it was him again... when would he start to accept that I didn't want to talk to him. He's messed with me so many times that he even appeared in my dream somehow.
"I don't have answers" I hissed at him and quickly ran to the door but when I tried to open it I realized that it was locked. Shit.
"You won't get out of here until I get what I want." Changbin spoke and to say I was pissed was an understatement. I could punsh the shit out of him right now.

"Stop your stupid games and give me the keys" I demanded and a grin formed on his face.
"Come get them if you dare."
I ran in his direction and tried landing a hit on his face but he quickly dodged and pushed me against the wall instead where I stopped moving for a second before kicking his side with all the strength I had. Changbin stumbled to the side but didn't fall. I could feel his calmness slowly fading.
"Okay Felix... now I'm pissed." he whispered and before I knew it he had already pushed me to the ground where my head hit the floor hard causing me to just see black for a few seconds.
The male had both of my wristes secured in his grip and my leg pushed down between his.
"So... nie you can't run away little bitch. You know Felix, since the day we met I always have... those dreams. I see you but a younger version of yourself and a woman that keeps talking shit about having to go. You did something to me, bastard and I want you to stop this."
What did he say? Did he mean the same dreams I had. Wait... could it be possible that he also saw what I saw when I touched his face in the park? No way.
"F- fuck off! I didn't do anything to you! If someone should stop something then you should stop the nightmares I have!" I shouted at him causing Changbin to lift an eyebrow.
"Are you trying to say that you also have those dreams?" I asked and I stared at him with hatered.

"Yes... I dream of you, the younger you and a woman... I think she is my mother." I said and the boys grip got loose for a short moment. I used the opportunity to free one of my hands and push him off of me but it didn't work. He grabbed my wrist again and pulled me close to his face. "Your mother?" he whispered and I gulped.
"Yes, bastard. Let the fuck go of me!"
"If you don't stop annoying me, I'm gonna kill you so stop trying to push me away." he whispered, but this time close to my ear. He meant it... I was so screwed.
"I don't know her anyway..." I said "when I was a small kid the police found me on the streets with nothing more than a backpack and a few clothes. I don't know anything about my dad either... I can just barrely remember my mom's face. Is it that what you wanted to hear?"
He didn't answer just staring at the floor before letting go of my hands. We both sat infront of each other.
"Really?" He asked now sounding sad or confused? I nodded.
"It's strange" he said. "because it's the exact same story that I grew up with... I was found by an old couple also with a bag over my shoulder and they took me in. I don't know anyone of my real family..."

What? Never in 1 mio years did I think that there would be another person with the exact same past as me... who was Changbin? Who am I?

"Still..." Changbin suddenly interrupted my thoughts. "That doesn't help us with anything... I wanted to bring you here for taking revenge for Seungmin but it seems like you really weren't responsible for this."
"Exactly. It was Minho and Jisung and don't even try asking me because I don't know anything about them."
Everything started with these two guys. I just hoped the others would get some information out of them.

"Felix..?" Changbin asked.
"I have an idea. Do you remember in the park? When you touched my face? Maybe it'll work again." he proposed looking me straight in the eye. He had a point but... I felt awkward like this.
Without waiting for my answer Changbin brought his hand to my face carefully touching my cheek. I stared at him with wide eyes and felt the blood rushing through my face while he concentrated himself on what would happen. Nonono Changbin was a criminal, how could his touch be so soft?!
But it didn't work.
"Hm, maybe we need more contact" he said and put his other hand on the other side of my face, slightly squishing my cheeks.
"Ch- changbin you-"
Then I suddenly saw something completely different from the males face.

I was looking through the key whole of a door where loud screams were comming from. 2 men where holding onto another man who tried to free himself. Then there was a loud bang and a fourth person had shot the man with a gun. Blood was dripping on the floor as he collapsed on the floor while they kept firing at him. Everything was grey but the red color of the blood slowly filled the room.
I was scared, terrified. Th- they had killed.

My breathing was too fast and when I was back in reality again I found myself shaking on the floor next to Changbin whose fists were clenched while he just stared into nothing with a tear rolling down his face.


An old character showed up again. People are about to get in trouble hehehe.

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