CHAPTER 2: 10 years old

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Jungkook woke up that day to an unusual ray of sunshine. As an immortal who has had the same purpose and routine for the last 200 years, he learned very quickly that certain things never change. For example, every morning, the same group of wolves would come to the river near Jungkook's little home and would play together. Another thing that never changed was the way the sun shined in his home.

At 7 am, one ray of sunshine would appear through the window and would stay directly on Jungkook's face. However, today, the ray of the sun laid on his chest where his heart was. Jungkook frowned at this unusual change and looked out his window to see if anything caused this. To his amazement, the dead tree that Jungkook had tried again and again to heal to no avail was blooming and in excellent form.

Jungkook's mouth dropped and after putting on his favourite silver robe and some shoes, he ran outside to the tree. The wolves at the river lifted their heads in defence but quickly went back to their fun as they saw it was only the fairy.

Jungkook watched in awe as the beautiful tree seemed to sprout out of nowhere. The fairy gently laid his hand on the trunk and heard a soft humming coming from it. How peculiar... Jungkook thought to himself as flowers of all colours began to bloom the second he made contact with the tree.

Jungkook looked up at the sky and watched as a white butterfly flew over his head. What do you have planned?

Jungkook continued to admire the tree for a bit before he made his way back home to start his day. The first thing he did is turn on the kettle and put some toasts in the toaster. While this was happening, he made his way to his bedroom where he opened the curtains and windows, allowing the shining sun and the gentle breeze to say their good mornings which he returned by giving the sky a large smile.

Hearing the kettle whistle and the toaster beep, he quickly made his bed and went back to his small kitchen. He had his usual breakfast: a mint tea made using his own mint leaves from his garden and a toast with strawberry jam that he got for free from a nice woman who he once saved.

Jungkook quickly cleaned up while humming a soft tune that Chaeyoung used to sing and made his way to his bedroom to get ready. He looked through his small closet and decided to go with a more colourful outfit: a flowy purple skirt that stopped right before his knees paired with a skin-tight white shirt that showed a bit of his stomach. He went to the bathroom to do his morning business before he started tackling the hardest part of his routine: what do I do with my hair?

Jungkook had recently decided to let his hair grow out and now it was at a comfortable armpit length that made styling his slightly wavy hair hard. After some consideration, he decided to go with a classic hairstyle by putting it half-up-half-down and adding an elastic with a fresh light blue flower on it.

The fairy went back to his bedroom where he looked himself over in his body-sized mirror and after a nod of approval, he made his way out to continue the rest of his routine.

So first, I need to go say 'hi' to Mariel to see if she feels better after falling yesterday. I also need to see Serge since he's supposed to have the books I ordered delivered to him. I should probably pass by the flower shop to help-


Jungkook froze in his steps as he looked back at the person who called his name. This is unusual, he thought to himself as he looked at the guilty-looking Dawn and Hyuna who were both in their royal garments and wearing their official crowns.

"Your Majesties? Can I help you?" He asked curiously. He observed how they both had a new sort of glow that radiated their happiness and while the couple was known for always being quite happy, they hadn't been for the last two months.

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