CHAPTER 9: 17 years old

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Jungkook couldn't think, couldn't move. It seemed as though the world around him was blurry, detached, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

"What?" Jungkook asked, his voice cracking slightly. Hyuna gently grabbed his hands and gave him a knowing look that made him want to hide.

"Jungkookie... This is what they need," She answered, looking at her sons who were cheering in response to the news they had just received.

"I don't understand," Jungkook whispered, his heart beating faster and faster as the reality of the future was truly setting in. Hyuna sighed and put a soft hand on Jungkook's cheek.

"Jungkook, I know you want to protect them but they are princes, future possible kings. They need to be ready for anything and they won't be fit for the throne if we continue to coddle them." Hyuna softly said but with firmness to her words.

"I-I understand that part b-but," Jungkook tried to swallow the ball in his throat as his eyes burned, "eight years?" His voice was strained as he looked into Hyuna's eyes and saw a familiar pain.

"I know it's long," She whispered with a wobbly voice as she also tried not to cry," but the training they will be doing is extensive and they need this."

Jungkook gave her a pleading look but she shook her head and went back to the boys who were oblivious to the whole exchange and were talking excitedly about their possible adventures.

Jungkook watched Hyuna and Dawn laugh with their sons as they talked. How? Jungkook frowned at the happiness being displayed by the royal family. How can you happy?

Jungkook's bottom lip wobbled and he quickly walked out of the room to avoid the princes seeing him in this state. How could they be happy when I feel like a part of me is being ripped away?!

Suddenly, all of the pain and all of the sadness in Jungkook became unbearable so he ran. He ran and ran for as long as he could. His thoughts were empty, just full of nature and he breathed in the fresh air of the woods. However, the momentary peace died when he collapsed, exhausted because of all the running and instantly, the thoughts returned.

I spent the last 6 years or so taking care of these boys! I trained them in everything I could! I poured all of my knowledge and experience to prepare them to be kings and it's NOT ENOUGH! Now they have to leave for EIGHT years to put themselves in danger!

Jungkook couldn't help it and the tears he tried to keep at bay were released. He cried into the grass and as his thought spiralled more and more, the more he cried.

They could die! They could die and I won't be there! I won't even be able to know! What if they don't come back! What if they decide that they don't want to be kings! What if they fall in love and abandon us! Abandon me! W-what if..

The 'what if's plagued Jungkook's mind and the lack of control he felt at this moment was unbearable. His whole life, he had been able to keep those he loved close to him so that he would always be there for them. This would be the first time that people he loves would disappear for such a long time without him being there for them.

Jungkook stayed in this spot for hours until he was finally able to calm himself. He stood up slowly and stumbled a bit doing so. He looked around him and saw begonia flowers on the once plain grass that emerged due to his tears. Jungkook swallowed and picked one up. He admired the beautiful pink flower as he walked towards his favorite spot in the woods.

Jungkook had lost his shoes while running and he could feel the earth under his feet pulsing and supporting him. "Thank you," Jungkook whispered with a soft smile as he put a hand on a tree. A gentle breeze passed and Jungkook sighed happily at the soft words whispered by the wind.

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