11. Mother..

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Me and JungKook are on our way to where my mother said to meet. I'm honestly scared to with I'm going to find out. With if she doesn't want me? What if see just wants to meet to tell me to stop looking for her? What if..she's doesn't love me..? I looked down at my shaky hands, I'm nervous to see her. As JungKook put his hands up to knock on the door I put my hand on his wrist to stop him from knocking. He looked over at me, I was frowning as I stared to at the door..and he saw and felt the nervousness..

"It's gonna be fine Y/n.." I looked over at him "She's gonna love you" I let out the breath I was holding and let go of his wrist so he could knock on the door.

A few seconds later a young lady opened the door, she looked like she was in her 30's.. "Mrs.Ki?" JungKook said as the woman just stared at me then looked at him and nodded. You are alive..

She started to speak but I didn't understand. Once she was done, JungKook looked over at me as she moved aside..

"She wants us to come in" JungKook said. I looked over at her and walked in, looking around her house as I walked towards the couch.

She said something else while my eyes were on the plant in the corner of the room.

"She told us to sit" He said

I looked at the woman and she was smiling while her hands were telling us to sit. I smiled at her and sat down and JungKook sat next to me as she sat in front of us..

She spoke again.

"She says she's happy you came to see her..she wants to know everything," JungKook said. I smiled looking at her and thought about the first thing that came to mind..

"Oh, um, I have daughter named, Sang Mi..she's adorable I wish you could met her but she's back home with her father," I smiled thinking about my little baby..

JungKook looked back at my 'mother' and told her everything I just said. She looked excited and confused so she asked a question

"I'd love to met her one day!" I smiled at JungKook told me what she said

She spoke again.

"She says if there's anything you want to ask her.."

"Umm.." I looked around the room and saw a picture with her and her family. I grabbed it and looked at her when asked her "Is..he my father too?" I looked up at her. She moved around like she was panicking, well I already know the answer.

"No, he's not your father. You're father was a bad man.." O-oh

"O-h, sorry.." I put the picture down and thought about another question "Uhh.." I looked down and thought for a bit..after getting my question. I looked back up at her "Why did you leave me?" I could just feel the tears in my eyes "Did you not want me?" A tear fell down

JungKook looked at you for a second before looking back at your 'mom' and asking her the question in Japanese. Her eyes turned sad as she turned her attention to you. She said something but you didn't understand it..

"She said that, that's not what she wanted to do back then..she left you for a reason.." JungKook said. You kept you eyes on her

"What was that reason?" You wiped the tears that fell down your eyes but they didn't seem to stop "Why did you leave me all alone..?" She wanted to cry but she kept her tears in

"I just wasn't ready..and what he did—" I cut JungKook off

"He?" My 'mother started to panic "Who is he?"

She got up and started to scream, both JungKook and I were confused at her outburst. We just sat there although I didn't under and JungKook was the only one I know she was saying something..bad. JungKook gulped before looking at me.

"S-he said you were the cause of.." He stayed silent.

"What? JungKook tell me!"

"Rape." My eyes widened as I slowly turned to my 'mother'

I slowly got up, feeling like I could throw up any moment from now. JungKook got up and was talking to me but everything was in slow motion and a ringing in my ears. So I didn't hear a thing he said. I slowly back away from them both. I can't believe I did that to her. Once I was outside the house I let my body fall on the pavement. She didn't want me because I remembered her of when she was raped. Tears fell down my face. Come here was a mistake.

I was a mistake.

To Be Continued...

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