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Prologue | Our Timeline — 27 November 2012

Prince Harry and Princess Madeleine are engaged to be married

Published 27 November 2012

A statement from The Prince of Wales.

His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales and Her Royal Highness Princess Madeleine are engaged to be married.

His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales is delighted to announce the engagement of Prince Harry to Princess Madeleine.

The wedding will take place in Summer 2013. Further details about the wedding day will be announced in due course.

His Royal Highness and Her Royal Highness became engaged in London earlier last month. Prince Harry has informed Her Majesty The Queen and other close members of his family. Prince Harry has also sought and received the blessing of Princess Madeleine's parents.

The couple will live in Nottingham Cottage at Kensington Palace.


Engagement between Princess Madeleine and Prince Harry

On November 27, 2012, the engagement between Princess Madeleine and Prince Harry was announced.

After His Majesty The King of Sweden had given his consent to the marriage between Princess Madeleine and Prince Harry, His Majesty requested the approval by the Swedish Government, in accordance with the procedures set out in the Swedish Constitution.


Engagement Interview

Interviewer: Your Royal Highnesses, congratulations to you both.

Princess Madeleine: Thank you.

Int: Can we start with the proposal and the actual moment of your engagement. When did it happen? How did it happen? How does it feel to be engaged?

Princess Madeleine: We are both extremely happy and delighted. It is a very special day for us. Harry proposed to me at the beginning of October. It was a very romantic and intimate proposal, but more details about the proposal we want to keep to ourselves.

Int: Harry, were you nervous? Had you planned this for a long time?

Prince Harry: I had been thinking about proposing for a while, but I wanted to wait until the right moment. But I have been sure all along that Madeleine was the one I wanted to marry.

Int: Where did you meet the first time?

Princess Madeleine: We met through mutual friends. For me it started with a great friendship. We share the same humor and we have a lot of fun together. Harry opened up my heart, he is my soul mate.

Int: Harry, when did you know Princess Madeleine was the right one?

Harry: From the very outset, I immediately felt something special with Madeleine.

Int: What was your first impression of Harry?

Princess Madeleine: I appreciate Harry for his warmth and his humour. He has a very big heart and he manages to make everyone in his presence feel good. Harry is a very thoughtful and generous person.

Int: Harry, have you asked the King's permission for Princess Madeleine's hand?

Prince Harry: Yes, I met with The King and I asked His Majesty's permission to marry Madeleine.

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