and so begins this longlasting romance

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who am I to believe
that nothing can come
between us?
no amount of sleepless nights
or shed tears
could ever rip this apart.
I know it inside of my heart.
yes, we have differences
and we have our lives
but we are closer than we seem.
you saved me when I couldn't
save myself and I suppose
I brought the smile out of you.
and I hope that smile stays around.
I have watched you walk through
emptied hallways and I have seen
you sit alone in places I've never
before been,
and I have felt myself falling.
falling for your laugh
and your smile
and your hair
and your eyes
and your poetry.
and I can see us dancing
across the horizons filled with sunsets.
I can see us lying under trees
with the flowers of spring blowing
around us.
I can see us spending too many nights
together driving to bookshops
and holding onto each other so hard
that we forget this world
consists of more than just us two
passionate lovers.
I can see it all now.
But I'm getting ahead of myself.
it begins with a hello and a smile.
and following it a smile and a seat
and a gesture of kindness.
it begins here.

written on: March 11th, 2020

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