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I wonder if you're thinking
of me when I'm thinking of you.
does your mind flash through
what could happen between us?
does it skip through everything
that could possibly go wrong
and all your doubts?
do you imagine evenings filled
with moonlight and laughing
that seems to echo through the
once lonely hills of your heart?
do you focus on everything
that you like about me?
what might they be?
is it the way my hair falls in a
mess of browns and hints of blonde
showing up every once in a while?
or maybe it's the bits of ocean you
can catch floating around my eyes.
could it be the way I nervously
tap my foot during lectures?
maybe it's the way I bite the end of
my pencil when I'm thinking of
something too complicated.
possibly you admire the way
that I always dress too nicely
and put too much effort
into my hair and makeup.
but I'm sure you don't even notice me.
you see what everyone else does.
you see a girl wearing a sweater and
a pair of dark jeans with sandals
in the middle of January.
you probably think nothing of me
and even if you do, I can't help
but believe it's negative
for I am loud and obnoxious
in conversation.
I hope maybe one day you
might see me and make a remark
in your mind about how
beautiful I look,
even on my worst days.
I hope maybe you'll admire
the way I walk like I'm on air.
I hope you'll notice me pop up here
and there, reading a poetry book
in the middle of the library or
writing a story on a computer,
my mind millions of miles from
the place I'm sitting at.

written on: January 14th, 2020

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