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"Babe, we have to get up," a distinctive voice grumbled from behind you after their fit of arm swings to knock the alarm clock off its perch on the bedside table ended. Although a sentence of action, both you and the man laying behind you were reluctant to move a single inch. The mattress too soft, the morning sun from the window too warm and the small, soft hum of the music playing from his phone too tempting to fall back asleep to.

You felt him move around behind you. His legs that were between yours like zipper teeth moved to untangle and left your skin cold. You grumbled when he moved and took his arms away from your waist next and rolled so the warmth of his chest left your back.

The box spring whined under the weight movement on the mattress as he sat up and stretched behind you. He planted his hands beside him as he looked at you, still not moving. He was tempted to set the alarm back off. It used to take an army to get him up, but after living with you and sleeping beside you for so long- he's learned that you were harder to wake up than he was. He chuckled and you heard him and pushed your chin under the blanket that was over your shoulder. Content on ignoring him and going back to bed.

"Y/n, seriously. We have to go to Jimin's today. If we don't we may not see our son again for another week," Jungkook teased behind you. You finally squint open your eyes as you looked over your shoulder to your dragon husband. His golden, shirtless body fresh of sleep gleaming too brilliantly for the early hour.

When you both finally graduated, Jungkook had already been making plans on where you would live after you both got booted out of the dorms after graduation. Yoongi had already moved back in with his dad until he got his own place and Jimin also joined the little family in the small cottage. You didn't want to impose on Parrish- who you finally stopped calling Uncle and started calling dad- and overfill the house.

Instead, Jungkook offered to get a place together. It wasn't so surprising seeing as Jungkook had been your boyfriend for 3 years by that time. It took nearly two weeks before you both were sitting down and signing a lease for a suburban house in the city. Along with that, you both chose to take on typical human jobs in the city you lived in as opposed to magic-based jobs most bewitched graduates aim for.

When you first started moving in, Yoongi and Jimin had come to help. Jimin helped you set things up while Yoongi and Jungkook carried in boxes and furniture. Jimin quite enjoyed it, so much that when he convinced Yoongi to move to the same city as you and Jungkook with him, he applied to a company in need of an interior designer. Yoongi got a small-time job at some edgy-teen shop but was somehow contacted by some clothes designer to be used as a model. He's been with them ever since.

Now, later and you still lived in that same house you got with Jungkook. You were currently out of a job, since your last one laid you off- the assholes- and Jungkook worked at a small daycare about 10 minutes down the main road. You never actually knew the extent of how much Jungkook liked kids until you went to bring him the lunch he forgot at home on the counter and saw him with two kids tucked under each arm, swinging in circles like an out of control carousel.

He was also one out of only a few men who worked there, the remaining staff of females all had nothing but good things to say about your hubby. He was good with kids and they said he had a special knack for getting them to stop crying. Some say it was because his rosy pink hair made the kids feel like their talking to a superhero. Of course, the staff also knew about him being a dragon- he accidentally let it slip when he was caught blowing fire into the oven to heat it up faster- not the wisest idea.

However, his dragon traits worked out- especially in the case of the little girls who wanted to play 'princess' in the fake, plastic castle outside by the sandbox. Jungkook was always the dragon and was always being 'slain' by the little boy who came to rescue the princess. They gave him a cookie each time they played though- as a reward.

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