XI [Final]

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"We found your body in the courtyard, Y/n wasn't with you and your mark had already disappeared."

"What do you mean? She was with me, she's the one who put that spell on me, right? How could she not have been with me?"

"Jungkook, Y/n went missing after she broke your contract. No one's been able to find her since."

"She's," Jungkook choked, "she's missing?" His voice strained and Jimin's hyper-sensitive hearing picked up on the fragments of pure sorrow in his tone. "B- but you can hide in people's shadows, right?" The dragon asked Yoongi. "Can't you just go hide in her shadow and find her that way?"

"Don't you think I've tried that already?" Yoongi unintentionally bit. He looked at his own shadow on the floors that the hospital lights created. "It was the first thing I tried to do, but it didn't work. Wherever she is, she isn't casting a shadow for me to find." Yoongi sighed as he spoke- his inability to find you always nagging at the back of his head. An uneasy feeling in his mind that Jimin could feel along with his Master.

Jimin got up from his place on Jungkook's hospital bed and walked to Yoongi's side; leaning down to cup around his ear and whisper out of Jungkook's hearing range. Though, with his dazed expression, Jimin doubted he'd listen anyway. His mind was elsewhere- rightfully so.

"Could you head back without me?" He asked as the warlock shot him a look and a jumped brow. "Please, I need to talk to him. I know Jungkook the best and I know how he works better than you do. He needs to get it all out of his system before he bursts into a fit. If you're here he may not open up about it."

"You think he'll talk to you?" Yoongi asked, not offensively, but curiously. Jimin nodded, glancing back at the spaced out dragon.

"Yeah," he confirmed turning back to Yoongi. "He's my best friend, he will," Jimin smiled small as Yoongi just stood up with a huff and small stretches. The movement alerting Jungkook back into reality as the warlock looked at him.

"I'm heading out, I've got things to do. I'll tell the others you woke up while I'm at it." Jungkook nodded as Jimin moved to sit back on Jungkook's bedside, kicking his feet in micro-swings. "I'll leave Jimin here with you; don't start a fight," the warlock teased.

"He means to say that he's glad you woke up," Jimin translated. Yoongi rolled his eyes and dismissed himself, holding back the urge to hide in Jimin's shadow and eavesdrop. He'd give the two the privacy Jimin asked for.

Silence fell over the room as Jungkook looked back down, just starring at his wrist and bathing in how cold he felt. Jimin just watched him at the moment, hoping maybe Jungkook would open up to him first. He lightly cleared his throat. "Jungkook, listen-"

"I know," Jungkook interrupted. "You want me to talk about it," he sighed as he slouched, dropping his head back as his chin lifted towards the ceiling. "I want to talk, Jimin- I do, but," he cut himself off with a deep, harsh breath. Jimin understood, remaining quiet and patient. It was Jungkook's way of collecting himself.

Junkook had just woken up after six long months. If the idea of how long he was sleeping was hard for him to process, then the bombshell about your disappearance was something even more explosive. He'd need to gather his thoughts before he even began to work through all the details and questions he had. He wasn't sure how long he sat in his bed, just thinking and staring at nothing. Running his eyes back and forth along with the ceiling tiles in concentration to not lash out, especially when Jimin was sitting so patiently beside him.

It was during the time he stared upwards, not speaking and not thinking when the first tear slipped from his glassy eyes. Blinking it out of his eye, the blurred vision cleared just enough to split his sight in half. Half blurred, have clear as he just continued to stare. The tears were falling in a steady stream, the stinging behind Jungkook's eyes and nose told him that they would be falling for longer than he wanted.

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