She said, "Go. And make sure she's safe."

I nodded, "I'll do my best." Then flashed to where I had heard the scream, to find a literal army of monsters there. I growled and said to a passing dracanae, "Who's your leader?"

She gulped and sad, "He isss known as the Minotaur, my lord Traitos."

I snarled. Great, he's back AGAIN! "When I kill him, I expect this army to scatter everywhere except the south. Understood?"

"Yesss, my lord."

"Good. Now take me to him." She noddded and slithered away, towards a clearing on the other side of the camp.

She pointed towards a tent in the middle of it that had two little girls in front of it, one about ten, the other fourteen. "He makesss his den in there, Lord Traitos."

"Thank you. You may go now." If she had actual legs, I wouldn't have been able to see them. I walked towards the tent.

One of the little girls, the fourteen year-old, said in a pained voice, "Are you here to save us?"

I stopped walking and knelt down to her level. "Yes, I am. What's your name?"

She smiled at me and said, in a slightly less pained voice, "My  name is Katrina Jackson and thats my sister, Emily Jackson," she said, pointing at her sister. 

I smiled at her and was about to release her when I realized what her last name was. "Uh... Would you mind if I asked who your mom was? And if a man that smelled like salt-water met you somewhere?"

She frowned. "The man sounds like the one who came and got us from the Lotus Casino, at least that's what I think he called it." I gave a groan and dropped my head into my hands.

"OK, so that guy was-"

"Poseidon, we know. He also told us about another child of his named Percy. Is that you?" I grinned and nodded. "Sweet! We have a brother, Emily!" She got a smile in response.

I smiled at the two of them before standing up and summoning Angielem and making Riptide and Maelstrom combine into a shield and combining my three shields (don't ask how, but I got Krios's shield too the last time I went down to Tartaurus) into one. Then I caused Angielem to turn into a sword. Unsurprisingly, she looked a lot like Riptide. I snapped my finngers and armor that resembled that of a Daedra from Skyrim appeared on my body, including the helmet. Only difference was mine was white and black instead of red and black. I spun the shield onto my arm before shouting out, "Hey, Beef-brain! Miss me?" I was met with a roar of hatred. "Huh. I guess he remembers me. Oh well." I jumped out of the way as the Minotaur charged out with an axe in his hands.

I smirked. It's been a while since I got into a fight to the death.

Well, dissolve, anyway.

"Wow. I  didn't know you liked me that way. Too bad you've officially pissed me off." I was a little busy with Minotaur trying to decapitate me. While I wouldn't die, reforming still hurts like Tartaurus on a bad day.

And I know what a bad day in Tartaurus is like.

I stepped to one side of the minotaur as he charged me again. As he passed I swung Angielem, who was giggling in glee, at his arm and horn. Both fell to the ground before the arm dissolved. I spun and sliced his other arm and horn off before reversing the strike and slicing off his head. I looked down at the two horns to see them change into a pair of hunting knives with spikes in the pommels. I picked them up and manifested sheathes for them. Sheathing them, I reverted Riptide and Maelstrom back to their original forms and  drawing them. I swung at the chains on my sisters, destroying them instantly. My sisters stood up and smiled at me. I smiled back before looking at Riptide and Maelstrom. I looked back at them before asking, "Would either of you mind having a sword? Obviously not these ones, because for Anaklusmos, it has some sentimental value to me. And Maelstrom... Well, let's just say I have some memories connected to it too." They looked at each other before looking back at me and nodding. I smiled and manifested swords that would be the right size for them, no matter how old they were. Katrina's was named Hurricane, while Emily's was named Tsunami. I smiled and took their hands before saying, "OK, girls. I'm going to do something that might upset your stomachs, OK?" They both nodded. I smiled  and flashed us to Artemis's camp in a flash of fire and the sound of swords clashing.

Percy Jackson: Assassin God Of OlympusWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu