Smile (Javier X Reader)

Start from the beginning

You take his hand. "Come on. You owe me this,"

He frowns but walks with you anyway. You can tell he doesn't really mind, though.

You let go of his hand when you approach the river.

"Go," you say.

"Okay, okay. Wish me luck, mi amor," he says, then runs full pelt towards the river.

He doesn't resurface after a minute and you start to get worried, so walk over.

"Javier?" you call, frowning.

You don't see him anywhere.

You peer into the water, though all you can see is the moon reflected.

Until Javier resurfaces, making you jump.

He's laughing.

"What the hell?! Javier, that wasn't funny," you say, trying not to laugh.

His laughter is infectious, and you should've seen it coming.

"Lo siento, mi amor," he shakes his head and smiles.

His wet hair flings water everywhere.

"Don't get my jeans wet. I ain't washing 'em again," you say, half-serious.

"That's a shame for you, then," Javier grins, climbing out of the water.

"What?" you're genuinely confused but then he pushes you into the river.

He jumps in after you.

"Damn it, Javier," you say, but you don't mean it.

"I know you don't mind," he murmurs.

"You know me too well," you say.

He nods and grins. "I can predict everything you do. Just wait and s-" he's cut off by you splashing him.

"Expect that?" you grin.

He pauses before he says "Yes," and then there's another pause. "But I bet you didn't expect this!"

He splashes you this time.

"Hey!" you cry.

"You started it," he shrugs.

You quickly make up a plan.

You splash him again and climb out of the water and then run.

"Get back here, hermosa!" Javier laughs.

"Never!" you cry, continuing onward.

Except you somehow forgot he's faster than you, so he catches up to you and you tumble to the ground with him on top of you.

"I caught you," he whispers in your ear.

"What're you gonna do with me?" you breathe.

"Marry you," he murmurs, then looks deep into your eyes. "Please,"

"Yes," you say, then kiss him.

He walks you back to your tent.

You both change into dry clothes and you dry your hair as Javier rummages in a box for something.

You end up just watching him.

"What're you looking for?" you ask, curious.

"This," Javier says, pulling out a ring.

You smile as he slips it onto your finger.

You kiss for a few minutes, then head out of your tent to grab a drink to celebrate.

You'll tell the others tomorrow. Ain't no point in waking people up.

You're both quietly happy in each other's presence.

You sit by the fire, holding hands.

"Play us a song, eh, Javier?" Sean says.

Javier looks to you, to see if it's okay. You nod.

Javier picks up the guitar and Sean starts to sing.

O Mollie, O Mollie, it's for your sake alone,

That I leave my old parents, my house and my home.

You join in and Javier sings too. He doesn't sing our campfire songs often. It's nice to hear him sing, though.

My love for you, it has caused me to roam,

I'm a rabble rouser, and Dixie's my home.

Arthur begins singing, too.

Javier sings in harmony, pulling everything together.

Jack of diamonds, Jack of diamonds, I know you of old,

You've robbed my poor pockets of silver and gold.

You meet Javier's eyes and smile.

His eyes glow in the firelight and his voice carries above the others'.

You think it's the best singing voice you've ever heard.

Oh whiskey, you villain, you've been my downfall,

You've kicked me, you've cuffed me, and caused me to brawl.

You spend several hours singing.

But at two am, you decide that you should turn in.

Javier follows you into your shared tent.

You climb into bed.

And the weight of the past few hours hits you: Javier is yours and you are his. For the rest of your lives.

You fall asleep in Javier's arms with a huge smile on your face.

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