You're Depressed Around Him

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Third person POV

You waited for Todoroki to come back to you as you looked at yourself in the mirror. I'm so fat. Even though I work out constantly, nothing changes. You think, covering your stomach. You take a close look at your facial features. Disgusting. You think to yourself. "What's wrong?" Todoroki asks as he had seen the whole thing from the hallway. "N-Nothing. I'm fine." You say. "Liar. Come here." He says, laying on the bed.

You follow him and curl up into his chest. "What's really wrong, babe?" He asks, stroking your hair. "Do you....Do you think I'm fat? Ugly? Repulsive?" You ask. "Of course not. You're one of the most beautiful people I have seen. Actually, you are." He says, kissing the top of your head.

"I don't feel that way." You say. "I know it's hard. I used to be super sensitive about my scar and how I looked, heck, I still am. It'll be ok. I know everyone says that, but let it sink in real quick: someone who's family practically got torn apart and then got burned by their own mother saying that things will be ok? You know, that doesn't happen every day." He says with a smile.

You let a small smile slip onto your lips. "Can we stay like this?" You ask. "If you want, sure." He says. He kisses your forehead and brings you closer to his chest. "I love you." He says. "I love you too." You say.

"You're worth being my everything." He whispers into your ear before kissing your neck. "You're always worth it all." He adds.

Hey guys! I know times are rough right now. You are all worthy. You are all beautiful in your own special and unique ways. I thought I'd share this. If you don't want to read you don't have to but this is a lill 'about me'.

I've struggled with being bullied since elementary school(I'm a high schooler now haha it's been a long time). I've had manga thrown at me and nobody did anything about it(there was an adult in the room watching it happen). I've also been very insecure about my body. I want you all to know: no matter what they say, you are worth it. You're amazing. Maybe not at everything, but think of the things you've accomplished in life. Please, make rational decisions with life. I love you all dearly. My DMs are open if you ever need to talk💚💚

Word count: 426

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