YN's Birthday!!

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Suggestion by misty_apple

Todoroki's POV

I woke up to my alarm. It was earlier than usual for today even though it was Saturday. Why you might ask? Read the title. Just kidding, I'm not that rude, but yes, it is YN's birthday today.

I took a shower, put on today's outfit, and finished getting ready. I wore a gray button up, a black tie that slowly faded to red, and black pants.

I got my keys and wallet before walking out to my car. I started the engine and made sure my hair looked fine in the mirror. I put on some music as I made a stop to a local flower shop.

"Hi. Two roses, please." I said, getting my wallet out to pay with my card. The cashier passed the roses and took my card. After that, I walked across the street to YN's favorite coffee shop, getting her favorite drink.

I got back to the car and put everything down, making sure they wouldn't get ruined. I pulled to her house, walking to the back door. Just as I thought. She had it unlocked, though I warned her of the risks. I quietly stepped inside. I made my way to the dining room table and set everything down. I cleared the table, that was piled with paperwork. I sighed and set them aside.

I set the table, putting the roses in a vase and putting her drink where she usually sat. I made a quick breakfast of eggs, toast, and bacon. I walked to her room, quietly knocking first in case she was awake. I opened the door to see her still sound asleep. I sat at the side of her bed and combed my fingers through her hair gently.

"Good morning, YN. Happy birthday." I said softly. "Thanks, Roki." She said, using the nickname she gave me before we started dating. "I got you some breakfast and have a gift for you." I said. She sat up and hugged me as I kissed the top of her head. We walked to the kitchen and ate.

"Ready for your gift?" I asked. She nodded calmly, though I could see through her act. She's always like a little kid when it comes to gifts but she always loves giving, too. I pulled my phone out and found a screenshot from the previous night.

"WE'RE ADOPTING A PUPPY!?!" She shouted, looking at the picture. "Yeah, we'll have to keep it here but that also means I'll be over here a lot more too." I said. She hugged me as I nearly fell over because of the force. "When do we go!?" She asked. "As soon as you get ready. It'll be a date day today." I said, kissing her forehead before she ran off to take a shower.

After she was ready, we headed to the mall. She chose the music for the car trip and I drove. "What kind of puppy are we getting!?" She asked. "It all depends on what you want, babe. We will have to get it at the end of the day though." I said. She nodded and looked out the window, a bright smile reflecting back.

We first stopped at a bubble tea shop so she could get her usual drink. "Want a sip? It's raspberry green tea with pomegranate bubbles!" She smiled. "No thank you." I said. "Pleaseee? I think you'll like it, babe." She begged. "Fine." I said. She pointed the straw to me and I took a small sip, making sure to get a bubble for the full effect.

"What do you think?!" She asked. "It's good." I said. She pulled her drink back towards her and took another sip. "Where do you want to go next?" I asked. "Can we go thrifting? I found a game!" She smiled. "Whatever you want, YN." I smiled. I took her hand in mine and walked to the thrift shop next door with her.

"Ok so when I say stop, pick up whatever your hand is on. We'll go through each category of clothes." She laughed, having me place a hand on the clothes rack.

"Go! Stop!" She said, spread randomly.

For my shirt, it was a very short black T-shirt. My pants were jeans with several holes in them, and my shoes were black and gray checkered high tops.

I stood in the changing room. "Babe, I don't like this." I said. "You don't have to buy it, it's just a game." She laughed. "Fine." I said. I opened the door. She looked to me and immediately looked away in embarrassment. "I warned you. I don't like it." I said. I closed he door and changed quickly.

Next, she did the challenge. She got a blue sweatshirt, short jean shorts(shorter than I liked for a public setting), and black and white high tops.

As soon as she opened the door and I saw the length of her pants, I shut the door. "Come on, we'll look around for a little bit longer and then I have something for you in my car." I said.

She changed and found a few shirts and craft tools to buy, which I paid for, and we went to the car. I went to my trunk, instructing her to turn around since I couldn't wrap it in time. "Turn around." I said. As soon as she saw my sweatshirts in my arms, she grabbed them. "I know it's summer but it gets cold some nights. Keep them as long as you need and when you need one to smell one like me, I'll take it back for a little while." I said. "Thank you, Roki!" She said, hugging me. "No problem, babe." I said. We put them back into the trunk and went to pick out our dog.

We ended up getting a black lab puppy. He had beautiful silver eyes and was very playful. We bought him a gray and black collar and all of his necessities. His name? Echo.

We ended the day with laying down in her bed. "I'm going to the living room. Goodnight, love." I said after a while, kissing her forehead and walking to the living room.

I waited for a little bit and began looking through her paperwork. Most of it was payments that were due soon. I separated it into piles of most money, which were also due sooner. I went outside to make phone calls to tell them that the credit card number needed to be switched to mine.

This was probably the best way I could relieve her from the stress with her work since she's been looking for a new job anyway.

I walked back to her room and laid with her. "Where were you?" She asked. "Just in the living room. I look outside sometimes to see how calm it is." I said. "I see. Goodnight, Roki." She said. "Goodnight, YN." I said, kissing the back of her neck gently.

Word count: 1170

Hey guys! Sorry it's been a little while. School has really been catching up with me and my mental health state was plummeting but it looks like I'll be back for a while now that it's all good and organized!! Thanks for reading! Until the next chapter!

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