"Tell Lena." Harry said.

Now, considering I've just told Kathryn another secret of Lena's, Kathryn actually might not have told Lena. But I wasn't taking any chances.

"And Zayn?"


"And Niall's mad at me, so he would tell Lena just to piss me off."

I didn't know if that was true, but Niall wasn't acting normal lately. Better not to risk it.

"Louis would tell Zayn, and Lottie would tell Louis. So they're out." I said.

"And that leaves us." Harry finished. I nodded.

"This is going to be hard. I hate keeping secrets from Lena. And now we have to lie to everyone else here." He said.

I sighed. "I know. But we have to protect her." I said.

Harry frowned. "Maybe we should just tell her. I mean, she's a five foot three,one hundred and ten pound little girl. There's no way she can get to Alan with all of us willing to stop her." He said.

I shook my head frantically. "Lena's smart. She'll figure out how to get past us." I said.


"Harry, you're the only person in this building that could possibly love Lena as much as I do. You understand what it's like to be worried sick about her, wondering if she's okay. Don't put me through it. Please." I begged.

Harry bit his lip, he clearly didn't want to agree. But then he nodded. "Fine. I won't tell anyone else or Lena." He said.

I sighed in relief. Thank god. "Thank you, Harry." I said.

Harry nodded. "No problem."

Let the lies begin.

Lena's POV

I woke up and my head was still throbbing miserably. I groaned. I needed more of whatever Liam gave me last night.

I dragged myself out of bed and moved towards my door. My legs felt weak, and my knees felt like they might buckle. Damn, what did I get? Fucking cancer?!

I opened my door and went down the stairs. By the time I reached the bottom I was breathless.

A glance at the clock on the oven told me it was noon. Where were the boys? Where were Kathryn and Lottie?

I peeked out the window. Both Zayn and Harrys cars were gone. Where had everyone gone?


I turned and saw my brother. "Liam, where is everyone?" I asked. My voice came out so hoarse it surprised me.

Frowning, Liam walked over to me and pressed his hand to my forehead again.

"You're still burning up. What are you doing out of bed?" he asked.

"I needed more meds. Where did everyone go?" I asked.

Liam went to the cabinet and pulled out the same medicine as last night. "This will make you sleepy." He warned me.

"Christ Liam! Answer me!" I cried.

He handed me the pills and a glass of water.

"Niall is in his room. Harry and Louis took Kathryn and Lottie around London-can you believe they haven't seen the city yet?-and Zayn is doing an interview." He said.

"Oh. Why didn't you go with them to see London?" I asked.

"I needed to stay with you." He said simply. "And you need to go back to bed."

One Directions Big Breakजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें