Chunin exams part 5

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Shit shit shit!

There's not enough time I have to go to where the third hokage is...!
Where is he?!


Through every hallway I ran, opened doors which lead to nothing.

I was panicking, I didn't know where they could be.

The end of the corridor there was a door with a broken doorknob. I kicked it open and saw that things had already went down.

"Hm..? Who is this wonderful girl..?" Orichimaru said as he licked his lips slowly.

A shiver went down my spine.

The third hokage was covered in bruises and scratches.

"Lord Hokage...!" I shouted.

"N-Nanami... you shouldn't be here." His voice rasped.

"I don't know who you are but very well, why don't you both suffer the same fate?" Orichimaru sneered.

"Watch this..." He whispered.

He mouthed the words.
I couldn't hear a single sound, all I knew was my first instinct as a female was to scream.


He used the jutsu.
All the previous Hokages corpses slowly stood out of their coffins.

The third hokage gasped out of disbelief.
"I-impossible...!" He said shockingly.

"Orichimaru...! You!" He exclaimed.

"What do you think of them?" Orichimaru grinned menacingly.

The feeling of disgust spread through me how disrespectful it was to use ones dead body and to 'reincarnate' them into living zombies.

They had started to attack. The corpse of the fourth hokage threw a kunai at me.
Startled by the sudden action I let it slightly graze my left shoulder.

"Nanami..! Get out of here!" The third hokage commanded.

"No way! I won't leave you behind. Leaving you behind means I will leave you to die!" I argued back while holding back tears.
I was trembling all over with fear.

"How touching!" Orichimaru clapped sarcastically.

"It seems unfair so why don't you have a nice fair battle with the respected first hokage?" He snickered with his tongue out.

Vile snake.

The first hokage was using the ancient wood style attacks on us.
The horrible branches stabbed into the leg of the third hokage trapping him against the wall.

He groaned in pain.
I was doing my best to slash every single branch coming towards his way.
"Lord hokage! Are you okay?!" I shouted worriedly.

Rapid and faster attacks persistently kept coming. It was getting harder and harder to keep up. All the chakra I had drained from healing Gaara earlier was starting to show.

I was weak.
Snot was running down my nose and tears were flowing out.
I gasped when I had failed to slash the incoming branches.
Anticipating my fate I shut my eyes tightly.

Suddenly the third hokage's arms pushed me outside the door.

Opening my eyes I looked in horror.

Every. Single. Branch.
Had pierced through his body and he screeched in pain.

He was all tattered and bruised his body was bloody all over.

"E-escape Nanami..." he coughed out blood.
Lots of blood.

"And you are next." Orichimaru looked towards me.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" Kakashi and reinforcements of Anbu had come to our aid.

By the time they came it was too late.
Everyone was shocked at the sight of the third hokage's body.

"Tch, time is running out I'll take your life next time." He licked his lips and disappeared along with the coffins and the living zombies.

No one had seen what had happened.
I don't know if I can even explain to them what
Orichimaru had possession of.

"LORD HOKAGE!" I screamed.
"Please don't die out on us!" Many of us rushed to his aid and desperately started using our chakra to try and heal him. Some Anbus were even experienced medical nin.
It was no use.
His last words were to tell me to escape.
The mixture of blood and saliva in my mouth had started to taste bitter.

I felt regret. If I had trained harder and if I had known this was going to happen I would have maybe been able to stop it..!

Kakashi looked over at me and shaked his head.
He made his way towards me and patted my back.
"Nanami... don't blame yourself. You did the best you could." He gently whispered in efforts to comfort me.

Because Naruto was an anime deaths were normal to watch through my laptop screen. Yes I'd bawl my eyes out everytime a character died but witnessing it now in front of my eyes just felt...

It felt traumatising. It made me realise that everyone here in this world was so strong.

This was the first time I had witnessed real death in front of my very own eyes and

I never want to see it again.

My fists were clenched and I cried onto Kakashi's shoulders.
My cries blended in with the weeps of others present at the scene.

To be continued...

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