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"Please let me bring my student along, I will prove she will be worthy of joining!" I begged.

"We'll see about that, how about all of our members train your student and in 3 years time, if she does not meet our approval we get what we want..." Someone in a black cloak said.

I hesitated at first.
"Y-yes, leader-Sama." I was trembling at the sight of him.

Those purple eyes.



"Hokage Sama! It's been confirmed Ryuzaki had been seen communicating with an akatsuki member outside of the village!" I nodded my head sadly in disbelief.

Knock knock!

"Come in." I said.


"Come in." The hokage said.

"Hokage Sama what did you need?" I asked bowing down.

"I know it's gonna be hard but I have a mission for you, an S rank." He said seriously.

I nodded calmly but on the inside a bad feeling shivered down.

"Yes, what is it Hokage Sama?" I asked.

"I need you... To assassinate someone."

"Sure, who do I need to assassinate?" I asked.

"... I,
I want you to assassinate Ryuzaki Yu." He stated seriously.


"What do you mean?!?!" I said clearly outraged by his order.

"Recently she's been caught meeting up with akatsuki members and we are starting to doubt her loyalty to konoha." He said in disappointment.

I was shook.

"Yes Hokage Sama." I said without any emotion as I left the building.

But I was really sad on the inside and rather afraid, sure it was always fun to watch the main characters fight the akatsuki. But with them being so close and near them is rather scary.

Really short chapter sorry!
And also really sorry for not updating recently !
I usually lose my motivation a lot so it's normal for me to take breaks Lolol

To be continued...

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