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Seven's POV

It's been five long years since I left outta New York. But you know what? This the happiest I've ever been. I got my a wife now. We've been married three years now. We're expecting a baby and everything. Life couldn't be sweeter.

Work? Oh don't get it twisted. I came out here and turned shit out. These folks didn't understand how lucrative selling weed could be. I had to stay true to the game. But in the end, somebody had to pay the price.

Hakeem's POV

Five years. Love has been amazing. My wife and I are happy. She gave birth to twins. I couldn't believe I was the one that gave her babies. I was so glad when her father told us the truth. I fell in love with her all over again.

Business? Oh business is great. We're running Atlanta and New York. I even branched out to Miami as well. I got a chain of restaurants called Gardens. Now that was a money maker right there. People were coming from all around to eat at our restaurant.

With success comes some bullshit as well. Our bullshit? Dominic Delgado. I was so sick of this muthafucka. He was throwing shade up on Instagram. He was doing interviews about me and Rose. Sooner or later, somebody was gone handle his ass.

Rose's POV

They say there are seven deadly sins. Dominic Delgado possessed them all.

Pride: Dominic never stayed away. He would come to New York every now and then. I know because I had eyes on him. He was too prideful to let me win.

Greed: He wanted to have it all. But lets be honest. Who wouldn't? The only difference was he was willing to kill for it. He took over Vancouver not because they were weak, but because he manipulated them.

Lust/Envy: He was still salty that I ended up with Hakeem. He finally had to accept defeat and move on with his life. But he was still calling or texting me telling me it wasn't the same without me and that he needed to taste me just one more time. He said it best, this pussy got power.

Gluttony: When he's angry or upset, he turns to alcohol. He was starting his day off with a beer or Hennessy. I knew it was a matter of time before he drowned in that liquor.

Wrath: Because of the drinking, he turned into a spiteful human being. He may be married, but she would call me or Ghost because of him beating her ass, and she knew we were the only ones that could protect her.

Sloth: In the end, his mind got too weak. He got lazy. Once that happened, I took over Vancouver. I became the biggest Queen Pin. I was untouchable. With Ghost running New York; Devin running Miami; me and Hakeem running Vancouver and Atlanta, I was richer than Bill Gates.

They say those seven deadly sins are a muthafucka. Somebody had to pay the price though. That somebody was Dominic Delgado. But the funny thing is; Seven's deadly sins isn't the reason he's dead...I am.

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