Chapter 17

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Rose's POV

I was so content and happy in my life right now

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I was so content and happy in my life right now. I had my husband and my kids. I never expected for me to end up with Hakeem. I never had issues with him, but I didn't think we would be here.

The love I have for him is so unwavering. We have the bond like no other. He knows me better than I know myself; and I know him like the back of my hand. It's crazy how everything turned out. Him and the children are so happy with each other. He convinced Andrea to give him custody of Austin. She was no happy about it, but she did it for Austin. Austin and Jamison were attached at the hips. Jamison was older and he took good care of Austin. He was very overprotective of him.

After our honeymoon, we got back into the swing of things. Hakeem stayed at the trap a lot, and I was always home; unless I had to go to the office. I was finally able to get Zaydha and Jamison into a real school environment. Allison and Austin were with me. Things were amazing actually.

One day, Hakeem came home during the day, and it was so unexpected. "Baby, have you heard from Neal?"

"Hey, baby. Nawl I haven't. What's going on?"

"Call Granny and see if she'll watch the kids for us. I need you to come with me down to the trap. I got a feeling some shit is about to pop off."

When he said that, I knew Dominic was behind this shit. If him and Neal had one thing in common, it was Hakeem. They were both against me being with him. They're gonna try to take him out. Well over my dead body.

I called Grandma Ruth and got dressed while I talked to her. After I was dressed, we gathered the kids and took them to Grandma Ruth. Zaydha and Jamison were at school. Hopefully I'll be done by the time they got out, but I had Lisa on standby just in case.

We pulled up at the trap and Devin and Ghost was there. Something definitely was up for Ghost to be here and he's working in New York with Dominic.

"What the hell you doing here?" I asked him.

"Chill, suh," Devin said. "Y'all need to hear this. Tell them."

"Gunz and Killa are working together. I suggest you move shit around because they coming for you. This is Gunz's layout. Rearrange this shit before it's too late. You got about a good month before they make their move."

"Why are you telling us this?" I asked him.

"To protect you and the kids. Gunz wants blood; more specifically, he wants Hakeem's blood. What better way to get to him than using you and the kids? That nigga ain't dumb. If you protect your home, you protect your man. I'll do the best I can to keep y'all updated."

I was gonna kill these muthafuckas myself. After Ghost left, I was fuming. "Surely that son of a bitch wouldn't come after me and the kids."

"It makes sense, baby. Get to you, get to me." Hakeem said. "What if we play into his trap? Get him to come to us."

"This may sound stupid, but Rose, he's right. You gotta send your parents and the kids outta town. It's about to be a blood bath."

"What's the plan?" I asked them.

"I'm gonna round up the crew. We're gonna go to New York, wreck havoc, and bring it back to Atlanta. Once we're back, it'll be a matter of time before Seven comes to handle us. Once he's here, we shut the city down."

I didn't like what I was hearing. But truth is, I was the only one that could bring Dominic down. Truth is, I didn't have to kill anyone.

"Hold up," I told them. "Let me break Killa. If I break him, then Dominic's plans fail. Y'all know I could do it."

"And if you can't?" Devin said.

"Then y'all move forward with plan B. Start a war."

"Alright, but first we move this shit around. Bonnie, go home. Let me move this shit around, and I'll be home. We can discuss the plan in more detail."

"Alright, baby." We kissed each other and then I left.

I had to go talk to my parents and Grandma Ruth. I was sending them to Jamaica. I was scared as hell to face Killa and Dominic, but for Hakeem and my kids, I'll go to war with God himself.

I pulled up at my parents house. I had their plane tickets in my hand. "Mommy? Daddy?"

"We in the kitchen, baby girl," daddy said.

I walked in and they were laughing and eating strawberry cake, my dad's favorite dessert. "What's up, love birds?" I laughed.

"Nothing baby," Mommy said. "What's going on?"

"Mommy, Daddy, I got something I gotta tell you."

"What's wrong, Rosé?" my daddy said.

"I need y'all to take the kids and go to Jamaica. Dominic and Neal are after Hakeem. I'm gonna try to stop them, but there's gonna be a war. I need y'all safe. Here are the tickets, and my bank card."

"Are you sure about this dear?" Daddy asked.

"Yes, Daddy. It's the only way to save Hakeem."

"When do we leave?" Mommy asked.

"In the morning. Grandma Ruth got the kids right now. I'm headed over there next."

"Rosé, be careful," Daddy said.

"I will, Daddy."

I hugged my parents and then left. I went to Grandma Ruth's place. I gave her the tickets and kissed the kids. Then I headed home. I had to be there before Hakeem got home.

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