Chapter 8

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Hakeem's POV

"Then stop torturing me and them, Dom

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"Then stop torturing me and them, Dom. Just take my rights away." I heard Rose said on the phone.

I had just gotten in from running some errands for baby girl. I walked into the living room where she was. She was looking at the phone sideways.

"Baby, you okay?" I asked her.

"No," she cried. "Dominic is taking me to court to strip me of my rights."

Lord this guy just keep pissing me off. When it comes to my Bonnie Rose, I don't play that shit at all. I walked over to her and held her. I was ready to fly.....fuck that I'm going to Miami.

I grabbed my phone and called Lisa. I needed her to stay and watch over Rose, because what I'm about to do is beat the hell outta Seven's ass! I'm so sick of him hurting her. It's a fine time for him to pay for his mistakes.

After I called Lisa, I called Neal and Devin. I had them to go with me. Because the way I'm feeling, I'm gonna need somebody to stop me from killing that muthafucka.

I walked off to our bedroom and called Devin. "Wussup, Keem," he answered.

"Let me tell you what Seven's stupid ass done did!"

"Don't tell me he playing with Rose about them kids again?"

"You already know that's the only thing that'll have me ready to kill his bitch ass! He talking about taking Rose to court and stripping her of her rights to them. You know she went and legally adopted all of them."

"This nigga foul as fuck! I always knew he would use those kids against her. I really didn't want her to do that shit, but RoRo so crazy about that nigga. She would do anything for him."

"You know she wants kids. She would have done anything to have that feeling of motherhood. I'm finna go handle his ass."

"Not without me, you're not. I'll pick Neal up on my way to you. You just get the tickets."

"Ight bet," I said. We said our goodbyes and then hung up.

I walked back into the living room and she was crawled up in fetal position on the couch. My baby girl was really hurting. "Bonnie Rose, baby, look at me."

With sad eyes, she looked at me. "Is God punishing me? What did I do wrong?"

"It's not you, baby," I wiped her tears away. "Don't worry, I'm gonna bring our babies back to you."

"How? He's taking me to court."

"You got legal documents saying that those children are yours. He can't do anything without providing that you are unfit, and he can't prove that. Besides, me and the guys are about to go to Miami and fix his ass."

"No, baby, don't do that, please?" Rose cried. I wasn't tryna hear that shit though. She done protected him long enough.

"Bonnie, I'm not tryna hear that shit. I've let him get away with hurting you far too long. This time I'ma handle it."

As I said that, I heard the front door open. Devin and Neal came to the living room.

"Hey, baby girl," Devin said. "I promise we won't kill him."

She just shook her head and laughed. She know we ain't playing that shit when it comes down to her. Hell if it was anybody else, we'll put that muthafucka in a body bag.

I kissed her cheek. "Baby, we'll be back tomorrow. I'm coming back with the kids. I promise."

After we said our goodbyes, Devin drove us to the airport. They said they wouldn't kill him, but I'm not making no promise.

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