Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

I felt a mix of confusion and dread come over me. My instincts began to make me feel a bit anxious.

Bakugo: Who? Is Tashi a relative or somethin'?

The person on the other line responded immediately.

-?: Yes, she's his daughter. She's about two months old. Hold on could you also ask him to come in and fill out the rest of her birth certificate? The name for her other parent is still blank and we need that information for record purposes.

I had to tighten my grip on the phone so it wouldn't fall out of my hand. Eijiro had better have had a good expansion for this.

Bakugo: Actually, he's not available, and I think I know the rest of the information you need, so is it okay if I come instead?

-?: That's fine as long as it's on your classmates behalf. Just for consistency when you get here, what's your name?

Bakugo: Bakugo Katsuki, ma'am.

-?: Alright then, come over whenever you're available.

Bakugo: Thanks, bye.

Then the call ended and I put the phone back. Then I barely restrained myself from yelling at the top of my lungs.

One of the teachers, Midnight, finally came back in and I went up to her.

Bakugo: Uh, hey is it okay if I go to the hospital to pick something up?

Midnight thought about it and nodded.

Midnight: Sure, but for your safety I'll have to go with you, and we'll need to keep a low profile for any villains trying to find you or your classmates.

Bakugo: Okay, Thank you.

Midnight: No problem, I just need to get a proper disguise on before we go. I suggest that you do the same.

I nodded and we both got some normal clothes on, I just threw a jacket with a hood on and we both drove over to the hospital. Midnight was wearing a tank top, a pair of shorts and a jacket, as well as a hat that covered her hair a bit.

The drive took about half an hour to get to the hospital. Once we got there Midnight parked a decent distance from the entrance.

Midnight: Can I trust you not to get yourself killed if I let you go in alone?

Bakugo: Probably, on the way back I'll probably be even more careful.

Midnight: Alright, I'll just wait near the entrance then, and if I hear any commotion I'll go in, deal?

Bakugo: Deal.

We quickly walked over to the entrance, and Midnight waited outside the doors while I went in. It felt weird how normal everything seemed, probably because of how crazy our lives have been since the villain attack.

I walked over the the receptionist which didn't have a line, thankfully, and cautiously took my hood off so I didn't look suspicious myself. Most of the danger was outside the building, anyway.

The receptionist looked at me and smiled.

Receptionist: Hello, what brings you here? Any appointments?

Bakugo: No, technically not. I got a call half an hour ago that someone was healthy enough to go home?

Receptionist: Oh, I see. Name?

Bakugo: Uh, Kirishima Tashi?

The receptionist typed that in and smiled.

Receptionist: Yep, seems like she's ready to head home. And your name?

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