"Austin Jones"

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Here I am 2 years later after the most heartbreaking event of my life. Nothing really changed over the years, I still am happiness deprived. I'm just another dressed up heartbreak.

I still suffer from depression, more like, I got used to it. It became a part of who I am. And the Trust issues that came with it is just the cherry on top. I'm known as the lonely, quiet girl from the school who doesn't know how to have fun!

They really want me to have fun huh? Well they don't know what it's like to live with a missing piece in your heart. The piece that no one can fulfill.

I'm 16 now and I start my Junior Year today, not that I'm too hyped about it. But what can go wrong? Also just to update you guys, my ex-best friend is one of the mean girls now and she and Josh broke up when he left the town last year. She took on bullying me and other people as her part-time job, maybe to feel better about her terrible self. Not sure that it helps.

I walk through the chaotic halls of my high school. Girls are usually more hyped up and are gossiping in groups. Typical. I pass by the group of mean girls who think they own the world and are perfectly well they're far from it. I heard Amber talking about a guy who is supposedly joining today. That's so her, now. She seems a lot excited to set her target on this guy's back. Well, I already feel bad for whoever this guy is.

The first bell rang and everyone starts moving towards their respective classes and so did i. The day quickly passed by and as expected it was undeniably boring. It is lunchtime now and on the way to the cafeteria, Amber blocks my way.
"Oh look if this isn't my pathetic ex-best friend, I wonder why do you even bother to show up in school?" she smirked
"Because I've to graduate high school with good marks unlike some people who are only here to criticize others," I said confidently.
People like them never scared me.
Her face flushes up with anger. I guess she isn't used to people talking back at her. She's usually the one insulting others and not the other way around.
She raises her hand to slap me and before I could even do anything, someone stops her. The hallway just goes silent. And then I see his face...

Dark brown hair, blue eyes, he's about 6 ft tall, he got freckles, he seemed strong.
Who's this guy? I wondered.
Is it the guy everyone's talking about?
Is this the one Amber was so excited about this morning.
But these thoughts quickly flushed away from my mind and all I could think of was how I could've avoided her slap and protected myself.
Everyone's been looking at him since he held Amber's hand to stop her from slapping me.

He let go of her hand and turned towards me and asked " Are you okay? "
He had a husky and rough voice yet it was so calm to hear.
"Yes" I replied.
"Okay good" he said.
I don't know what got into me and I immediately said "But I can take care of myself, you didn't have to stop her"
"A thank you would've been nice" he said sarcastically.
Ugh, I can't deal with him right now. So I start walking past him quickly. I could feel all the eyes just looking at me because I just walked passed the guy everyone's been drooling over apparently. They must be thinking I'm so self-centered. It's not that. I don't find myself getting attracted to someone without knowing their personality and I don't think that's even a bit wrong.

After lunch break two more classes went by pretty fast and it's now the last class of the day, Psychology. I took this subject because someday I wanna meet people who went through traumatizing situations like me and need someone to understand them. I'll be that person for them. But today, I already had enough and wanna get this over with. Just then Miss George introduces a new student.
"Austin Jones"
That's the guy from the hallways.
He gives an introduction of himself which I guess barely anyone paid attention to because mostly the girls were busy gauging at him.
He took a seat beside me because that was the only empty seat in the whole classroom.

As Miss George continued her lecture on the topic of the day, my mind went back to the incident in the hallways. Yeah I know I was mad because I wanted to be the one in control but no one has ever stood up for me, like ever! But he is a new student at the school who did what no one ever had done for me. He didn't think about what impression he'll create of himself protecting a nobody like me against one of the most popular students. And it was selfish of me not to appreciate him trying to help me.

I look at his direction to find him already looking at me. I cleared my throat and said "Hey, I appreciate what you did for me back in the hallways "
"Is that a thank you?" he smiled in a teasing manner.
"maybe? " I said teasing him back.
He let out a small chuckle.
I smiled.
Wow. There have only been a few moments in the past two years that made me smile. I don't even believe it myself.
"By the way, Hey, I'm Austin! " he said, holding out his hand to meet mine.
"I'm Hope" I replied reaching out for his hand.
Our hands meet.
I could already feel all the eyes on me because apparently that's what girls been dreaming about since this morning. The class ends after 25 minutes. And I make my way outside the school campus.
It was a weird day I think now that I've reached home. After a few hours of listening to music, scrolling through my feed and studying. I get a notification on my install. Austin followed me. Huh! That's weird. He barely knows me, well maybe I'm only one of the few he talked to and wants to be friends. I followed him back.

A week went by pretty fast, we didn't really talk in social media, but we did make small talks in our Psychology class together. It is already Monday of the next week when Amber comes up to me all of a sudden and tells me "You're not even interesting and you're so basic and ordinary, I don't even know what he sees in you, how he finds you interesting at all, how is he not bored already "
She said the words in a pretty angry tone and I can even see it in her eyes. She immediately heads for her group after saying what she said.
But it left me wondering about what she meant. Who is she even talking about?
It certainly can't be Austin! Can it?

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(4th Chapter out on 18th March!)

Find out what's going on in Austin's mind in the next chapter!

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