Chapter Forty-Two: The Tri-Wizard Tournament Troops Part Two

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After the group got into the four groups there was whispering all around the room.

Harry's group, however, wasn't as loud as the other groups seeing as they had Professor Snape as their instructor which made the idea of introducing yourself very scary for most.

"Hush!" Snape commanded.

"Today is about making new friends not whispering to your current ones." Snape glared at a particularly bad whisperer.

"Now everyone gather around and form a circle." Snape commanded.

Everyone started moving into a circle but before Snape could tell anyone what was happening the Great Hall door swung open with a mighty bang.

In walked an angry-looking individual came storming in.

They stopped and scanned the room.

"Wow!" A student said across from the circle, drawing everyone's attention to the person.

a/n Thanks to @Cakemaker247 for being the Godparent to this character and creating them!

Their chocolate skin shined in the warm lights of the Great Hall, their curly hair cascaded down to their shoulders the brown and red shining so much that it looked like dark flames, ready to engulf you if you weren't careful. 

Their eyes drifted to the circle that Harry and everyone else is in.

Their eyes. Stopped everyone's thoughts instantly.

They were heterochromia, the left eyes were like a soft blossom in spring, the lilac shone through and the pink flecks highlighted beautifully in the warm lights.

The right eye was like the ocean, the soft blue swarm around and around until it turned darker around the pupil. Almost like ripples on the smoothest of waters.

Their lips were small, plump and pursed in concentration.

Their ears were pierced with gold studs that matched with the Durmstang uniform perfectly. 

Victor turned to see what all the commotion was and recognition seemed to grow over his face.

Victor rushed over to them and whispered, "What happened, when I didn't see you after the entrance I got nervous?"

"You know very well what happened Vicky!" They growled back.

"If you just tell me who it is I can stop them!" Victor whispered yelled at them.

"No I-" They started but before they could continue Snape cut them off.

"For Merlin's sake you're almost as dramatic as Mr Malfoy on a Monday morning so if you would please step into line." Snap drawled on.

They huffed and moved into the circle next to Victor who was on the left of Harry.

"Now as I was saying before now is a time allocated to meet new people, we will all go around in a circle and say something you want everyone to know along with your name and year level." Snape commented before starting,

"My name is Professor Snape, I am the potions teacher here and I am the Head of Slytherin, you don't need to know anything personal about me so moving onto Mr Malfoy." Snape drawled before handing it over to Draco.

"Oh um okay, well I am Draco, I am in the Fourth Year, and I love playing games and hanging out with friends." Draco finished confidently as he smiled to people around the group. He even got a few wolf whistles from strangers in the group. To which Draco laughed off and Snape rolled his eyes muttering about something like 'stupid teenagers'

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